Monday, December 18, 2017

Chapter 73: It Was A HIT!

Hello Everyone!
You could say that this week was an interesting one.... I think this picture will sum it up pretty well :)So yeah :) That was our "hit" this week :). But before yall get all worried... We were not in the car.
 This was actually a pretty huge tender mercy. So heres the story. We pull up to this trailer park to go and try by a part member family pretty late ( about 8pm). Usually we take a few minutes to talk about what we want to share with them, say a prayer, ect but that night was different. We parked said a quick prayer, then hopped out. 1 min later we knock on the door. 15 seconds later, we hear the crash. We turn around to see smoke billowing out of the dominos pizza car that just smashed into ours. Luckily the kid was okay!!! Just a bloody nose and a headache. So that was the start to our week! We spent the rest of the night talking with the police and the elders came too cause we were kinda freaking out so they were a nice support to have there. When we finally got home we said the most sincere prayer of gratitude I think I may have ever said. God is so good. He knew exactly what was going to happen and I firmly believe that He was there protecting us. I know He is there watching out for all of us.
SO because of those exciting events, we have spent a lot of time in the dmv, talking with the vehicle coordinator to get insurance stuff worked out, and taking drives to Hermiston to get estimates on what its going to take to fix this baby.... so we have been on foot when working cause President doesn't want us driving a banged up car. The hills of Pendleton make it pretty exhausting to walk everywhere but we are pounding out some amazing work here. Things haven't slowed down so we are just learning to walk faster :). We have had some amazing lessons this week and tender mercy, we've been able to get to all of them on time :). These people here are so humble and willing to change. Its amazing and I feel so honored to serve them.
We have been counting out blessings this week and its amazing to see how the list keeps getting longer and longer. I love my Heavenly Father. He has given me so much and love that I get to give back in my small way this Christmas season by serving his children. I cant think of a better work to be a part of :) I love you all so much and I hope you have a very Merry Christmas! My invitation to yall would be to think of something you can give the Christ child this year to become a little better than you were. I think of one of my favorite Christmas songs ( forgive me, I dont know the title).
What can I give him
poor as I am
If I were a shepherd
I would bring a lamb
If I were a wise man
I would do my part
What can i give him
I will give my heart.

Give the Savior your heart this year and I know that the blessings will be everlasting :) I love Him with all my heart and I'm so grateful for all He's done for me.
Merry Christmas Yall!
Sister Tobler

PS from the mother:  The blue car belongs to the pizza delivery guy.  The red one is the sisters.  So thankful that he was alright.  Heavenly Father truly does watch over and protect us.

Chapter 72: O Holy Night!

Hello Everyone!
I don't know where the weeks are flying off to but man has this week been fast! I'll try to just share a few highlights but there were a lot so :)
WE FOUND A NEW INVESTIGATOR! His name is R___ and R____ is super cool :) It was late one night and we were knocking on the doors of a few formers. He opened up, said he had visited with missionaries and that he has some family members who are members. We chatted a little more and he said the last sisters he talked with helped him so much so he would love to have us come back. Fast forward to this week, we go in, teach the restoration and he asks all the right questions. " How can I know what path God wants me to follow?" "Is there one way?" And all sorts of things like that. The spirit was so strong so we invited him to be baptized and he said YES! How cool is that! He didn't feel ready to set a specific date but we are excited to see him start to grow his testimony and come to experience the gospel :).
So we set out one night to go and contact a few people and nothing was working out. No one home... so we were onto our final back up plan which was to knock that street but something just didn't feel right about that. So I pulled out a list a referrals some old sisters hadn't contacted I I really felt like we needed to find J___. So we drive around a bit and find the house up on this hill behind some trees. Knock on the door and we meet S____. She invites us in immediately and says that our timing is perfect. Her husband (who we were looking for) passed away 2 weeks ago and she really needed some prayers. We just sat and cried with her and shared a little about how our families can be together again. She told us that she really hoped that we come back again soon and my heart just melted for her. God is so aware of his children and when they need a little pick me up. It was amazing to be so in tune and see those blessings.
What else happened this week... Oh! I sang at the ward Christmas party! I wish I had a recording for y'all because oh my goodness I blew that "Oh Holy Night" out of the water! Made a few people cry and I hit the crazy high note near the end :) Just had to dust to cobwebs off those old pipes :) So fun and we had a lot of less actives that we invited come which was super awesome!
I know there are more things that I'm forgetting to talk about but I'm sure I'll remember later on :) Its amazing down here in Pendleton. I love this little town and all its quirky people. They are so humble and in such great need of the gospel and its been so amazing to get to look for them everyday. I love being a missionary. Best. Job. Ever :). I love y'all and thank you for your love and prayers! They mean so much to me.
Till next week!
Sister Tobler

Sister Paz

Chapter 71: Christmas Time is Here!

Hello Everyone!
Oh my goodness this week has just flown by! I love this time of year when everyone is starting to prepare for Christmas :) I'll have to take a picture of main street cause y'all will just die its so cute. I feel like I'm living in a Hallmark movie. So fun :) We have been working so hard and its been amazing to see how God is continuing to prepare people here in this little town. We met with so many people this week it was great and it feels like this is finally my area :). I forgot my planner in the car so I won't get to write about everything but here are a few highlights.
So we finally got to meet with one of our investigators named C___ and his less active wife M____. Such a sweet couple. I  love them already. Were just chatting about her conversion story and all that jazz and she says, " well you know, C____ wants to get baptized." I think my mouth just about dropped open as I looked over at him and he nodded. "Yeah," he said. "I'm only in 2 Nephi but I want to." Talk about blessing from on high! So cool :). I'm super excited to see the progress that he makes this week.
We also had the best mutual activity EVER this week! So we've been talking about it as a district for a little while now ( BTW, I have the best district EVER). So we combined all the wards and did this big Light the World activity. SO FUN! We shared a message at the beginning and then proceeded to make cards and plates of goodies for lots of widows and less actives and then, cherry on top, WE CAROLED!!!! Caroling is my favorite and it was so fun to see the excitement on their faces :). I love Christmas. Its the best :).
We have seen lots of little miracles this week as well. We have been working out of the area book a ton and its neat to see how receptive many of these people still are. I'm not sure I can describe a better feeling than meeting someone new and hearing that they loved their experience meeting with the missionaries years ago and for some reason, things have changed in their lives and they feel like they could really use the gospel now. For example, S___. One of her friends sent us over there and we had a great visit. She told us about her rocky past with drugs and how while she turned over a new leaf years ago, she still feels like she is missing something. I know that the "something" she feels missing is the gospel. The Gospel of Jesus Christ fills a hole in our souls that maybe we didn't even know was there. It is such a powerful thing.
I love being a missionary and getting to share his word. Its such a privileged to be a part of His church so go out and share it! Ask the missionaries for some pass along cards! Sharing the gospel brings so much joy and I'd love for all of y'all to feel some of that fire :) I love you and all and thanks for your prayers!!
Love ya!
Sister Tobler

Chapter 70: Pendleton, The Promised Land.

Hello Everyone!
I think about a year ago I was telling everyone that Pasco was the Promised land, well let me tell you, I didn't know Pendleton back then :). This place is absolutely AMAZING! Let me give you a little play by play of my week.
So Monday and Tuesday were spent packing, saying goodbye to a few people, and squeezing in as many lessons as possible. It was so hard to say good bye to the G____ ( our Recent Converts) but at least I know that I can go back and visit someday soon :). Plus saying good bye to Sister Calder was killer. I never want to do that again.
Wednesday... The day I got my companion :). I love Sister Paz so much. She's so sweet and actually reminds me a lot of myself at the beginning of my mission except not nearly as stubborn ;) ( I know, me? Stubborn? :) :) :) ). She's from St George UT and she's 24. So we didn't get out of the trainer meeting till about 4pm so we didn't get into Pendleton till about 5:45. Had a quick dinner with an amazing family in the ward that is super missionary minded, ran to Walmart with the help and guidance of the elders, and finally got back in our apartment at about 8:20. It was crazy. Pendleton makes no sense but  I think I may be starting to get the hang of things :).
Thursday was Thanksgiving!!!! WOOHOO! We got to eat with the bishop and we went and delivered cookies to some of our investigators so that we could get to meet them.
Friday we finally got to hit the ground running. Unfortunately, the previous sisters failed to leave us much notes wise on how the works been going here so we started out a little blind as to where we needed to be but that didn't stop us! We just hit the ground running and started making plans by the Spirit and so far its been working pretty well :). I love the investigators here. They are all so sweet and have such a desire to make Christ a bigger part of their lives! Its amazing to see the leaps and bounds that they are making and to hear about their experiences as they've been learning.
Saturday. You're not going to believe me... WE BAPTIZED 2 PEOPLE ALREADY :). T___ and K___ :) We got to meet them twice before the baptism and they are just amazing. It was a little weird jumping into a baptism like that but they were so ready.
So ya see, Pendleton truly is the promised land. I know that we are going to continue to see amazing miracles here because I mean look, Its only been one week and we've seen baptisms. The transfer is still young and I know that God is preparing more people to receive the gospel here. I love this work so much. Its my life and I hope to be forever engaged in it :) We met the funniest family ever this week in the ward. The Barnes. Brother Barnes is my favorite. I'm pretty sure he has lost his marbles and the only ones left are the gospel marbles because boy is that man passionate about the restoration of the gospel! Frankly, its hilarious and also motivating at the same time. He eats, sleeps, and breaths the gospel and is always looking for opportunities to share it. I hope I can one day be as bold as Brother Barnes :) I love you all! Thank you for all the prayers and support you give! I truly couldn't do it without you!
Love y'all!
Sister Tobler

Chapter 69: Tranfers

Hello Everyone!
It has been a bitter sweet last 24 hours. I'll just cut right to it since I know that ya'll really want to hear about transfers. This dynamic duo is being split up :(. I guess President has to spread the love and hard work around because he needs me down in Pendleton Oregon now! How crazy is that!!! I am so sad to be leaving Sister Calder and my heart is kinda broken now having to part with her again but I know that Gods will is always best, no matter how much I wanted to be able to spend the holidays with my favorite companion.  Now let me tell you the sweet part. I'm training a new missionary... HECK YEAH!!!!!! I am so excited and so nervous for this new adventure in life. I've never left the tri- cities before but I know that God will help me in all that I do :).
The rest of this week has been pretty amazing! We found 4 new investigators and we hope to see them start progressing at rapid speeds soon as we come into the holidays. This is my favorite time of year, especially as a missionary. The air is turning cold, you can always see your breath, and people are starting to feel the Christmas cheer. So many people are out serving their neighbors and its inspiring to see the power of Christ as we enter this Christmas season. We had a special meeting with a general authority this week and he told us that as Christians, we OWN December. People expect us to talk about Christ so why not do it?! Light the World comes out this week so I'd love to invite all of yall to watch it and share it with someone and get involved in the initiative. I know I'm excited for it :).
I don't know if I have much more else to share. I went on my final exchange as an STL this week and I just have to say how much I have loved getting to serve the sisters of this mission. I am so grateful for the opportunities that I have been given to serve and feel the love that my Savior has for each of these sisters and I have learned so much from them in the process.
I love my Savior and I know that He is the only reason that I am able to do what I do. He is the reason I live and breathe and I am grateful for all that He gives me. I am so grateful that I have been blessed to have the gospel in my life and that I get to share it with others. I love you all and thanks for all your prayers!
Happy Thanksgiving!
Sister Tobler

Chapter 68: Extension???

Hello Everyone!
Oh my goodness gracious this has been such a busy and miracle filled week! I'll try to not go into too many details. Overall.... the biggest miracle... We found FIVE new investigators this week!!! We worked our tails off and of course, the Lord provided the miracle after we showed our faith. I'll just give a few quick synopsis' because some of them have really cool stories with how we found them.
T___- So he's dating a less active member and he happened to be home when we were going to see her. He told us that his sister has been meeting with the missionaries in her area and that shes getting baptized soon. He was then able to open up and told us that he has been meaning to take the lessons but had been procrastinating it and he wasn't sure why, especially when he loves the church so much. We talked about the how the gospel would bless them as a family and the excitement and the light seemed to glow brighter and brighter in his eyes and he was so excited to have us come back and start teaching him of how this could bless his life.
G____- We'd been trying to meet with her for a few weeks but her health problems have been a bit of a stumbling block. But we were able to catch her while we were on exchanges and she said that she has felt like something is missing and she'd love to have us come and read the Book of Mormon with her because she cant even read! But she felt the spirit the last time she had missionaries over and wants that feeling back in her life.
J___- She was a but stand offish at first but opened us and said that she felt like something was missing in her church. When we handed the Book of Mormon to her she started flipping through it and said ( and I quote)" This is perfect. Something will come of this" with a big grin on her face :). And thus we see that she will be coming to church this week for a tour of the building. She also has 9 children and she feels like this could be something really great for them. :)
W___ and L___- They are cute :) They have met with missionaries in the past before as well and while they came to know a lot of the doctrine they were never able to feel the truthfulness of it because of certain circumstances. But now they are open and willing to come to know for themselves if this really is the true church!
Isn't it amazing to see how the work really is progressing?!? God is pouring out miracles here in the Edison ward and a feel so lucky to get to be a part of it. This is an amazing work. I talked to President White this week about an extension during my interview because I think I could honestly stay here forever and be perfectly happy knocking on doors :) Don't worry Mom and Dad. He looked at it and my mission is already running a little long so he cant let me stay but it made me feel really good that he said he would keep me in a heartbeat if they would let him. Unfortunately the missionary department has rules so sisters cant serve for 2 years ;). I couldn't ask for a better life. Great area. Great companion. Great area. Great work. Its just awesome :) I am so grateful to all of y'all and all the support and prayers y'all give on my behalf. Thank you for everything! Till next week!
Sister Tobler

Loving Her Crazy Companion!

Sister Tobler and Sister Calder.

Chapter 67: Miracles Galore!

Hello Everyone!
Its been a fun a busy week! My testimony of Less Active work has really grown this week I have to say. Its amazing to see the changes that people are willing to make when they finally realize that they are missing something. Here's just a few of my favorites.
C___-> She has realized that shes happier when shes reading the Book of Mormon and has finally come to realize that it brings a more lasting peace than anything else the world can offer her.
Sister M____-> Church is an important part of everyone's conversion. Life becomes dull without the nourishment that you receive there. Even if its hard, we should always put God first and go worship Him.
S____-> The temple is not too far out of reach. God wants all his children to be able to partake of the blessings there. Even when we have strayed from the path, there is always a way back and with help and support,we can all make it back to the presence of God.
K____-> No matter what has happened in the past, its important to keep moving forward and keep pressing on towards God. There are plenty of things that can get in our way and distract us. Its our responsibility to keep our eye on the goal and keep looking heavenward.
So you'd think with all these stories that maybe we didn't have time to find any new investigators... Wrong! God truly blessed us with a miracle and we found two new investigators this week and the both expressed right off the bat the strong desire that they have to enter the waters of baptism :) D___ and S____ are both such faith filled individuals and I feel so lucky to be able to know them and help them on the path back home.
One more amazing miracle and then I'll let y'all go for now :). K____ GOT BAPTIZED!!!!!!! Such a wonderful day that was. She has been just radiating with light since the moment she made that promise. I understand why Jesus said " Suffer the little children to come unto me". They are so precious and their love for Him is so complete. I don't know if I have ever met a little girl so prepared to make the covenant of baptism. So precious :)
I love this work so much. There is nowhere else I'd rather be right now. The gospel is going forth to everyone and the blessings from it are innumerable. I love my Savior. I don't know where I would be without Him. Thank you all from your prayers and support! Couldn't do it without you!
Love ya!
Sister Tobler

Halloween Herrmanas

I suppose the title sort of gives this away, but can you guess what they were for Halloween?

Chapter 66: 61 Is My New Favorite Number!

Hello Everyone!
This week has been incredible! Oh my goodness. Let me start with this. During weekly planning last week we were pondering on some numbers that the assistants gave us. They counted up the hours that are in a mission and took out all the time for meetings and studying and sleeping and all those other things that we have to get done and showed us how much time we spend actually proselyting as missionaries. It comes out to less than 30% of our mission is spent out talking with people. LESS THAN 30%. That shook Sister Calder and I a lot. We started looking at our schedule and thinking about how we could up that percentage so that we could be finding more of our brothers and sisters and helping them to come unto Christ. In an average week, a missionary will average between 35-40 hours out proselyting. This week.... We totaled 61 proselyting hours. HECK YEAH! It was probably one of the hardest things I've ever done and I've never been so tired in my whole life but it was so worth it.  Here's just a few cool experiences that we had from that.
J____: So we met her a few weeks ago and I'll be honest, I didn't think she was interested. We may have heard her say a few things through the door after she scheduled an appointment that made us think she wasn't going to be there. We see her around the complex not too much later as were talking with someone else and she waves us down and points up to her apartment. We head up there right after and she lets us in right away and opens up. Turns out shes a less active member that just moved here and feels like us finding her was Gods way of telling her that its time to come home. Amazing. God works in neat ways to help His children see His hand in their lives.
G____: Knocked on her door, she said that she used to have sister missionaries come and read with her from the Book of Mormon and that she misses it a lot! Now we get to go over and read with her and help her to gain a testimony of it for herself! Woohoo!
And one final one, K___: I think I've mentioned her before. She is A____ little sister. Shes 8. After A____ baptism last week she came up to us and said," I want to get baptized RIGHT NOW!". Well guess who's getting baptized on the 4th of November :). That's right :) It was so cute watching her go into her interview with Bishop on Sunday. She was practically dragging him over to his office because she is just so excited :)
I love the people here in this area. I love all the people in the tri-cites too I think :) Even the not so nice ones :). Its amazing to be able to give it all to them until I literally drop in exhaustion at the end of it. So worth it. I love you all! Have a great week and a very happy Halloween!

Chapter 65: Not Today Satan!!!

Hello Everyone!
I've heard it said that when someone is about to do something very good, Satan is going to work especially hard to keep them from doing that good thing. I can add my testimony that it is true. Satan doesn't want people to find the joy of the gospel but we worked super duper hard and He wasn't able to stop us :) I'll keep it brief. No matter what he threw at us, A____ still got baptized :) :) :) Probably one of the happiest days of my entire mission. We started getting a little nervous as the day approached because she had some fears that needed to be addressed but we were able to resolve her concerns by the spirit :) Couldn't have done it without God :) Whenever we got discouraged we looked at the sticky note hanging in our car. It reads: NOT TODAY SATAN!!!! :) We won't let him get us down. Not today. Not tomorrow. Not ever. Because we are a part of the most amazing work, and we wont let him stop us.
So back to this week ( sorry, I'll get off my soap box :)). We pounded pavement trying to find some new people and while we didnt have many lessons this week, we found some solid potentials and were able to set up some appointments this week that we are super excited for. Gods work is going forward. I'll have more to update you on next week I think :). I love you all! I love being a missionary and I never want to stop. Do you think President would give me a year extension like they did way back when? Just kidding :) I bet yall wouldnt be too happy with me :) I love these people so much. This little corner of the country has stolen my heart and will forever hold a piece of it. The Lords work is hastening and is such blessing to be a part of it.
I love you all! Till next week!

Monday, October 16, 2017

Chapter 64: #SOHAPPY

Hello Everyone! 
I have literally had the best week in my mission so far :). I don't think I have ever been so happy! This is just the life and I think I can do it forever :)
So Monday and Tuesday were a little crazy getting ready for the transfer but finally Wednesday came :) I have never been so excited to pick up a companion before in my whole mission! The moment we saw each other Sister Calder and I screamed with joy and ran to each other. Didn't even have time to drop the basketball she was holding :). We hit the ground running with the work. Its amazing what you can get done when you don't have to waste time figuring out how the other one works and teaches :) We found a new investigator this week ( she might be a little crazy but thats a side note) and found a ton of new potentials and formers to try by :) Super excited for this up coming week! We have been meeting with A___ pretty much every day ( now that I think about it, I'm not sure I even told y'all about her...) So Ya! She's this amazing 11 year old that told us the first time that we met her (about a month ago) that she wanted to get baptized. We invited her to prepare for the 21st of October and she has been moving full speed ahead preparing for this Saturday! She had her interview about 2 days ago and our District Leader was really impressed with her and said she passed with flying colors :) She is going to make an amazing member :) I love her so stinkin' much :) its been amazing to see her grow so much really just in the course of 3 weeks. She went from not wanting to pray and being kinda quiet in lessons, to really opening up, sharing experiences with repentance, and saying prayers in lessons. She is super excited to be able to go and do baptisms in the temple in just a few months too :)
The Gospel is true. It changes lives. I know it has certainly changed mine. A scripture that has really been on my mind this week comes out of the 9th chapter of 3 Nephi. In the second part of the 13th verse it says " Will ye not now return unto me, and repent of your sins, and be converted, that I may heal you?" Think about it. He have to let the Savior change you. He never turns away from us. But when we come unto Him, do little things everyday to bring the spirit into our lives more abundantly, and REPENT, He promises to heal us. I've seen it time and time again :). I'd love to invite yall ( because I'm a missionary and its kinda what I do) to do something hard this week that will help you to come closer to the Savior and to let Him heal you. Maybe its gonna be waking up 15 min earlier to get a little more scripture time it, maybe its going to be asking for blessing to overcome a challenge in your path. Who knows but God :) I can promise that you will have an added power come into your life as you do so :)
I love you all! Have a wonderful week!

Sister Tobler

Celebrating with ice-cream!

So happy to be companions again.

Chapter 63: Transfers!!!

Hello Everyone! 
Boy do I have a story to tell you! And it has to do with transfers so you'll have to bear with me and my creativity :) Just indulge me for a minute :). Here's my story.
Once upon a time in the land of the WKM, there were two sisters. Now these sisters were the very best of friends. They loved working together but alas, all great companionship's must come to an end. They cried together when they had to part but always looked forward to seeing one another at meetings. Months past ( about 6 months to be exact) and one sister received a call from the king of the land. He informed her that her current companion would be leaving her to head to the distant land of West Richland and that She would be staying. He then inquired further. "My dear sister, if you had to choose, which ward would keep. the wards must be split into two areas for the work is popping in both." Her heart broke a little but the response was immediate. "Edison" she replied. You could tell that a smile emerged upon his face for she had chosen what he had planned. "Furthermore," he continued," If you had to choose who would be your companion, who would you pick? out of all the sisters in the land." She couldn't believe herself. Was this a trick? Once again, her response was sure. "Sister Calder." The King laughed and said" It is done". Our dear sister almost burst into tears at the prospect of being reunited with her dear friend and now continues to look forward and anticipates Wednesday :)
Did you catch it! I get my baby again!!!!!!!!!!!! Woohoooo!!!!!!!! SO excited to get to serve with her again! Of course it broke my heart to loose highlands but I know that it was inspired. So excited for the upcoming transfer!
So the rest of the week... I left my old planner at home to be honest so I'm struggling to remember what we did. Biggest testimony builder this week was on referrals. They gave us a list this week of all these uncontacted referrals from the last year and told us to go and find them! I mean, these are our brothers and sisters who showed interest in the gospel! We must bring them home! We went on two finding blitz' to bring them in and several of them said that we could come back!!!! God is softening hearts and when the time is right, He will either lead them to us, or us to them. I love that I get to be a part of this work! Pray for us as we go into this next transfer that we will be able to find more of our brothers and sisters who are being prepared! I know that they are out there!!! 
I love you all! Thanks for your support and prayers!
Till next week!

Sister Tobler!

Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Chapter 62: A Quick Note.

Hello Everyone!
I have no clue where to start because my mind is running a million miles and hour right now :) We have had such a crazy busy day with the temple trip today but it's so worth it. I love getting to recharge my batteries there :)
Highlight of the week was General Conference! And super cool... we have FOUR of our investigators tune it!!!! And they each had something that they felt like was just for them or super profound :) Oh my goodness I loved it all! Oh! And for the families information, My conference mix contained chex mix, pb m&ms, goldfish, and peanuts :) YUM!!!!!!
We went on exchanges with the Hermanas this week and I got to go with Hermana Malone again!!! Woohoo for San Antonio Peeps!! As usual, I didn't know a lot what was going on because it was in Spanish but I am getting better! I am understanding more and more with every exchange I go on :) We focused a lot of leaving commitments with people and I got to see one of the most inspired commitments ever so I'd like to leave it with ya'll. Do something hard this week. Not just physically hard though. Think about it. What is something that makes you nervous. What is something that you want to make a habit but struggle with? What is something that will help you to become more like the savior? Just pick one this and strive to do it this week. I can promise you that God will help you as you strive to become more like him and the light and power that you have about you will only grow! I've seen it in my life time and time again.
I wish I had more time to write but alas, I don't :) Just know that we have some AMAZING miracles coming up real soon!!!! I love you all and I'm so grateful for your prayers. They keep me going through it all! I hope you have a great week!
Sister Tobler

Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Chapter 61: Windy Days are Blowing in Miracles!

Hello Everyone!
This week has been quite the adventure :) I'll give a quick play by play so I can get into some of the cool miracles we had this week :).
So Monday night we get a call from Sister D asking us if we would be willing to sing on Sunday for sacrament meeting.... I was all over that :) We decided to use it as incentive to invite lots of people to church and while Satan's a bugger and kept our investigators at bay, a less active did come and was touched by the spirit of our song. I think his heart is softening. So ya. Because we were given just a few days heads up and Sister Bricker is only so-so musical, we spent a lot of time singing and practicing. Every place we drove we were singing. While walking down the street, we were singing. in the shower, while laying in bed, EVERYWHERE :). It was fun though. Super fun :)
Tuesday we were on Exchanges with the Palouse Sisters and I got to go work in there area. Background, its a walking area, and my goodness it was so windy! For once I think I wished that I was an elder and could wear pants! We looked kinda funny walking around holding our skirts down but we were still able to find some amazing people who said that they have been wanting to get God back in their life. Super neat. Plus the ward did a LA finding blitz that night and got to know everyone who had fallen away and many of them were actually really receptive to coming back and having missionaries stop by!
Thursday we had a big Zone Conference which took up most of the day but the rest of our evening was booked with LA and Potential lessons and guess what.... NONE OF THEM FELL THROUGH!!!!!! That was a miracle in itself because we weren't able to do any planning that morning! While maybe some of those people aren't progressing at the rate of others that we are working with, its neat to see them take little steps and start to bear their testimonies to us on principles of the gospel :)
Friday we found W.! She's a former investigator as we were finally able to get in with her. That was probably one of the most inspired lessons I think I've ever taught on my mission. She expressed some concerns that kept her from getting baptized in the past and we were able to teach simply of how we recognize the spirit. I pulled out Moroni 7:13-14( I had just read it on Tuesday) and read it to her. She paused and asked to see it and read it again. Her face changed and she whispered " I get it". My heart started to sing :) I love it when the spirit is able to testify to someone that its true. I feel like a real missionary :) I know that God is working on the hearts of His children and when they are ready, they will get it :)
Saturday was the amazing women's broadcast. If you missed it I highly recommend it and I wont spoil it for you. Just go watch it :)
And after Linger Longer on Sunday we decided to go try and contact and investigator... no one home sadly, but we turn around and in pulls one of our other investigators that totally disappeared off the face of the earth a few weeks ago.... and her sister who said that she wanted to meet with us!!!! WOOHOO!!!! We taught them about prayer and they were so sincere when saying that they knew that they needed to communicate with God more often and would work on that this week. 
The work is really picking up here a ton and pretty soon we will have no option but to run to all the appointments! The goal: that they will have to put more missionaries in these areas just to keep up with everything :) You can tell that these are the last days. The final harvest is at hand and God is bringing in all who will come. I'm grateful to be one of the gatherers. I love this work. Have a wonderful week! I love you all!

Sister Tobler

Chapter 60: Catch Me if you Can!

Hello Everyone! 
You'll have to try and keep up cause my goodness we had such a busy week this week. quite literally running from place to place. We found several new move in Less Actives that we are starting to work with and we have high hopes to get them back to church soon! Its the perfect opportunity to start fresh and start out on the right foot being in a new ward and they see it too. Of course there are trials that are going to try and keep there out of the Church, but we know that the spirit will continue to work on their hearts to bring them back home. A few of them we even asked them if we could "practice" teaching them and they were super eager to not only help, but to hear how we help people come into the gospel :).
Super cool miracle this week. So we got this referral for a guy named B__. It didn't have much info other than he had talked with missionaries and said we could stop by. We were a little skeptical it would result to much but we went. No one named B__ lived at the address, but we met J___ there. He started out by bashing us a little about how we mormons are so exclusive because he tried to walk in the temple once and they wouldn't let him in ( there was his first mistake :)) but we taught about the purpose of temples and showed him some pictures in the pamphlet and his heart was softened. He asked when and where church was and was eager to set up and appointment so that we could come in and teach him and his family. Super cool!
Another cool miracle. We were talking to one of our potentials in the parking lot and she says " I was baptized into a church when I was 7 but I really feel like I need to be baptized again. How do I do that?". My mouth just dropped. We explained our purpose and invited her to come to the womens broadcast this week where we would have a little more time to talk with her about how to make that happen :) Super cool!
What else... We visited with this Less Active Recent Convert and talked about doing the Christlike attribute activity in PMG and as she was looking over it she just looked at us and was like " this in an answer to my prayers. I have felt like I've been stuck in my progression but now I know what more I can do. Thank  you so much!". Talk about inspired plans. :)
We were knocking a few doors in the rain last night and ended up in the more run down part of our area ( don't worry mom we were being safe) and we knocked on these two doors. One talked to us through the door and when she heard we were the missionaries she kept apologizing that she couldn't let us in ( she's was sick) but asked that we come back in 2 days! Super duper nice lady. So excited to see what she looks like :) The next door we knocked on recognized the tag and said they wished they had time but gave us #s to call and asked us to come back soon so that we could talk more! Super duper DUPER cool! God blesses us when we are in the right places :)
I am so glad that I'm getting to be an instrument for the Lord here. Its an honor really :) I feel myself growing everyday and I'm glad to be able to help others along the path back home too. I love you all! Thanks for your love and prayers! Till next week!
Sister Lindsey Tobler

Kennewick Washington Mission

chapter 59: Goodbye Already?

Hello Everyone! 
I think this has been one of the craziest weeks ever. Just hours after I got off the email we get a call. Its from Elder Lunt. One of the Assistants.... There was a situation in the mission and I had to say good bye to my baby. With only a few hours notice, we got her all packed up and took her into Richland to her new area. Some tears were shed on both sides but I know that there is a reason things happened this way. So now I get to watch her grow into an amazing missionary from a distance but I'm glad that we still got to make some memories together. 
So because she left us, the mission decided that we don't need to live in a big apartment anymore so after getting Sister Byrne all packed up, Sister Bricker and I had to pack up and move. Now we are living with a member of the Highlands ward and we have the cutest little apartment in their basement! I don't think I have ever lived somewhere so adorable :) and cold! Brrrr. Anyways, so that added another dynamic trying to get all moved into our new place and even though most of my stuff is still in suit cases, its nice to know that we shouldn't have to move again for a while. Cross your fingers at least :)
Now covering two wards with just the two of us, we are busy ALL the time. We have set appointments just about every day which is awesome. We got this referral from the Assistants for a Less Active and Part Member Family that just moved in and the daughter told them " Ya I'm Christian but I'd rather be Mormon" ( We'll work on clarifying that Mormons are Christian :)) and when we went over to see them the next day, they were actually there when they said they would be! And they let us right in! Double Miracle!!! We have found a few really solid potentials that we are super excited to work with and help them to come into the fold. 
I love the work and the people here and I'm pretty sure that I could stay here forever :) We'll see what President has to say about that :). I couldn't ask for a better life, getting to devote everything to the Lord. I love this gospel and thank you all for your love and support!
Till next week!

Sister Tobler

Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Chapter 57: Transfers!

Hello Everyone!
I don't really have a whole lot to report this week. We had tons of meetings with General Authorities which took up a lot of time, plus I was sick this weekend ( don't worry mother, I'm perfectly healthy now :)), and then crazy Sunday happened. So now onto the subject of my letter.. Here's the story that goes with it ( because of course I have to make it more dramatic than it actually is :) :)
We got home from church a little late because of a meeting and when we walked in the door I decided that I wanted to have a nap instead of eating lunch because I was still not feeling super great from being sick. In my half dream state I start thinking that any second the alarm should go off and then it starts ringing. I freak out when I realize that its a phone call and not an alarm. And its from President White.... I'm all " What the heck its only 3 o'clock!!!! ahhhhhhhhhh!" we answer of course and he goes on to say that Sister Cox is being released as an STL and will be staying in Cottonwood. "Now Sister Tobler" he starts." there's going to be some changes in the mission. It actually is going to affect about 80% of the mission. Sister Tobler you are going to be transferred to Highlands and Edison in Kennewick East to serve with Sister Bricker as an STL." At this point I am very confused because this isn't the transfer call, this is a leadership call so I'm waiting for the catch. " Also," he continues," you are being called to finish training Sister Burn. Shes been out for about 6 weeks and you will be designated as her trainer. So you will be tri-paning as an STL and Trainer. Do you have any questions?" I was absolutely floored.... I have only heard of this happening once!!! And now Its happening to me!!!!! What the heck!!!! Oh my goodness... So ya. That's my week :) I'm super sad to leave but also super excited for this new adventure!
That's pretty much my story for the week! I cant wait to tell you how Kennewick East is! By the way, I totally predicted that I was going there next! I appreciate all your love and prayers! I truly feel them holding me up every day. This work is true and I'm so grateful to be a part of it.
I love you all! Till next week!
Sister Tobler

Chapter 56: Prosser...

Hello Everyone!
Oh my goodness did we have the most insane week ever. I have the best story ever though to tell and that will probably sum up my email for the week! Let me take you back to last Friday.
We woke up super pumped for the day. The day had finally arrived. Anita's baptism. When we started our plans for the day we realized our day was pretty much planned for us! we had ZLC in Prosser with West Richland, making cookies with Sister Trevino for the baptism, weekly planning and then the Baptism! Pretty easy right?
On our war to Prosser, just shortly after we pass Benton City, the Car starts beeping at us. I look down at the gage and its overheating. A lot. So we pull over and let it cool down and then start up again. two minutes later, over heating again. we do this 4 times and actually get a call from the elders cause the passed us on the side of the road. We call the vehicle coordinator to see what we should do and he says that if we can just get to prosser and the dealership we'll be okay. Little did he know that was still 6 miles away. We call some different elders and tell them to meet us at the exit because we are going to use sheer grit and faith in order to get the car to move one more half mile. Luckily it starts up and we get about half way up the exit ramp before the car just dies. completely. We throw it in neutral, jump out and start pushing it up the rest of the ramp. I was convinced it was going to run right over me and back down to the freeway but my fear of getting hit by a semi kept me going :). When we get to the top of the hill it gives up the ghost and will not move at all. Luckily the elders show up about 30 min later and patch us up enough to get us to the dealership. oh! And we had to get jump started too. It died that much. When we arrive at the dealership we are given a slight time estimate of when we should be on the road but per usual, it took longer than expected. we left for Prosser at 9:50am and finally got home at 5:55pm. we didn't even end up making it to our meeting but we didn't really end up caring. we pulled into the church parking lot 30 min before the baptism started and luckily, it all well off without a hitch! Satan's a bugger but God is so merciful! He desires for all his children to receive salvation and even when crazy things happen, he provides a way. Even if we almost had to steal the zone leaders car :). I learned a lot about myself though on this excursion! 1) Sister Tobler has 0 patience 2) she can do hard things 3) sometimes you've just gotta PUSH ( Pray Until Something Happens) and 4) God is good. All the time :)
That is probably the highlight of my week! Anita got baptized!!!!! whoohoo!!! I love this work and I love getting to help my brothers and sisters come unto Christ! There is nothing so rewarding. I love you all! Till next week!

Chapter 55: The Secret Life of an STL

Hello Everyone!
Oh my goodness have I had the most insane week. After this week I see why no one EVER prays to have the opportunity to be an STL. Don't get me wrong, I love getting to work with the sisters, but it would be so much simpler to just be a normal missionary. Let me give you a little play by play.
We had exchanges with the Hillview sisters and we were aware that they had been struggling to get along so our goal was just to get out there and pound pavement and look for every little tender mercy and give thanks for them. I got to spend the day with one of my most favorite sisters of all times which was the best. We were able to talk and counsel together on what we can do to support our companions, even when its hard. We didn't necessarily see any measurable success in numbers, but for the first time in weeks, this dear sister seemed happy and ready to make her companionship work.
Then we went on exchanges with the Hermanas out in Prosser. I loved this dear sister. She goes home in 4 days but she is still cranking out the work and finding new people to teach. Its amazing to see her faith and her love for the work. We were about to head into our dinner appointment when we received a call that the Candy Mountain sisters were dying ( okay, maybe not dying but one of them had a super high fever and almost ended up in the hospital). Luckily this Hermana was able to give me some words of wisdom ( about 6 months ago she was my STL) and we rushed back to Benton City to switch back so that we could go on an emergency exchange with Candy Mountain. I went out and taught with a sister while Sister Cox stayed in and looked after our little sicky. It was a super great evening even if I was absolutely exhausted from so many exchanges. But it doesn't end there. The next evening we get another call from The Candy Mountain sisters.... She was super sick again. Round two of emergency exchanges! This time I stayed in to look after her and luckily after a bit of talking, she agreed that she probably needed a blessing and is gonna get one tonight. Now we are just praying we wont have to exchange again because gosh darn it I miss pounding pavement in my own turf. Its about time ya know.
There's the craziness of my week. We did get to teach K__ again and he is progressing so much. This week he is praying about his own baptismal date and I cant wait to hear the answer that he gets. I know that it is Gods desire for him to be baptized and he is so ready. Minus the whole smoking thing but he's so close!
Also exciting news..... We should be having a baptism this week! If it all pans out as planned! A__ passed her interview with President and she is so excited to join the fold. I love their family and I hope to one day be with them in the temple. In a year :)
I love the gospel and I love getting to share it with everyone I meet. Its really cool to be able to work with other sisters and see how they do it and to use their ideas in my own work. We truly do go about the work saving souls one by one, just as the Savior himself did. This is His work and I love being a part of it. I love you all! Till next week!
Sister Tobler
P.s. I'm learning Spanish! I can say a very VERY simple prayer in Spanish now :) hopefully by the end I'll be able to say my testimony too :) Luckily I still have lots of time for that! :)

Chapter 54: It's Gonna Take Work!

Hello Everyone!
Oh my goodness have we had an amazing week here in good ol' Richland. So good :) I'll give the highlights for the week and yes, I know, some of them are kinda silly, but that's our life :)
Monday: I totally took out several of the Elders playing chair soccer :) Even with the busted ankle that's still healing :) Ain't nothing gonna hold me back :) :)
Tuesday: We met this super sweet Indian lady named A and her friend B ( she said that we could just call her A--- since we were struggling to say it :)). We were walking up the stairs at this apartment complex and she stopped us and just started talking :) She just got here from India maybe a week ago and told us that we are her first friends here in Richland :) Totally made my day!!!!! I have a new friend!!!! Woohoo!!! I cant wait to see her again and see if we can teach her at all!!!
Wednesday: We had a mini missionary out with us all day :) I love Sister Grey :) We even made her a little missionary name tag. We had so much success that day with her which was so fun. The highlight was our lesson with K__ for sure. He has grown so much just over this short period of time. After we finished teaching the Law of Chasity he was asking us a little about our missions and what brought us out here in the first place. I was able to bear testimony to him of the sacred work that we are involved in and just how important it is to me. We leave our families for a year and a half for crying out loud to talk with a bunch of strangers and help them find Jesus. We give up a lot for this work but I would do it all again. I would take every slammed door, every cursing, all of it 100x over just to help my brothers and sisters come home. I love these people with all my heart and it breaks my heart to this of ever leaving them. They are everything to me. K__ is one of those elect and while he may not have been ready 20 years ago when he first met missionaries, God has prepared him now. This work is truly one of miracles :)
Thursday was MLC so that's always fun :) I got to see Sister Calder and my heart was just so happy :) I have missed her and she is doing so good :) She is my child and we are one :) :) :)
and all weekend we hit the pavement and just went at it trying to find new people :) Met a few crazy people and a few with some great potential! We had a goal to have over 40 pros hours this week and we knew that it would be a stretch with all the meetings we had. and drum roll please...... we had 43!!!!!!!!!!!!!! God wants to bless us always and the blessings just come pouring down like rain when we do our part. I love this work with all my heart and never wana stop. I love you all and thank you for all your support!
Till next week!
Sister Tobler

Sunday, August 6, 2017

Chapter 53: A Toast to a Year Gone By!

Hello Everyone!
Can you believe that it has already been a year? I am celebrating with some fancy juice because who would have believed that I could do a whole year of the missionary stuff :) I love the work and I think I could do it forever. The sisters in my home ward better watch out because I may just come out with them on splits all the time :) Woohoo!
It has been a really good week! We did lots of walking in spite of the heat and we able to get in with almost everyone we met! It was awesome! In that respect, I am grateful for the heat because people take pity on us :) I'll just give a few high lights.
 So we found a new investigator! Her name is S___ :) I love S___. I don't know if I have met someone who had so many trials all at once but it amazing how much she relies on God to find strength. You can just see the desire to grow closer to Him and I can't wait to see what all happens! I love meeting new people :).
We also did lots of service this week and its amazing to see how God gives each of us different trials and helps us to manage them each in our own way. We are able to strengthen each other when we share our talents. I realize that God gave me certain abilities so that I would be able to help other through their hard times. Even something as simple as doing dishes can be enough to help others realize that God is aware of them :) I have a big testimony of service :)
I don't really know what all to share! We do the work. Everyday. And give it our all because we know that there are more people being prepared in our area to receive the gospel. I love being a part of the work of God. Update on the V__ U___ and K__, they are doing awesome :) Of course Satan is trying to stop them, but they know in who they put their trust and God is making the path clear. I love that I have gotten to be a part of their journey!
I love you all and thank you for all your love and support!!
Sister Tobler

Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Chapter 52: Tender Mercies

Hello Everyone!
I wish I had lots to report but its been a different sort of week with transfers and everything. Just a little slower but that's okay. There were plenty of tender mercies to help the week go along :)
1. My Zone. I couldn't be serving around better Elders and Sisters. They work so hard and motivate me to be a better missionary each and every day. Plus, Elder Smith caught a snake at our service project and Elder's Walker and Shumway are going to eat it. They are ridiculous. :). But its kinda the best. We have been working together as a zone to encourage one another to #LighttheLand and it has been so cool to see the miracles that have come from it as we've worked together.
2. The Ward. I couldn't be serving in a better ward where the people are so loving and willing to help us. Its been cool to see that whenever we have talked with a ward member about fellowshiping an investigator, they step right up and are willing to help wherever they can, even with giving rides to church to people they've never met!
3. Service. The verse is so true. When ye are in the service of your fellow beings, ye are only in the service of your God. We found this really cool lady this week who asked us to help her with some yard work. She totally opened up to us about how she was judged but her old church when they didn't have all the information about a situation and that's why she left. Just working with her for a few hours were were able to testify to her of many gospel principles. Plus, the icing on top, she invited us back! Woohoo!!!
 I love being a missionary, even when we have appointments fall through. God puts us in just the right places at the right time. It's amazing to be a part of his great plan. I love this work with all my heart and I love you all for all the support you give me through it all. I love yall!
Sister Tobler

This is Elder Smith and the snake he caught.  He and his companion have plans to eat it.  How do you cook a snake is what I asked Sister Tobler, and she said you roast it.  Yum, Yum!

Monday, July 17, 2017

Chapter 51: Transfers

Hello Everyone!
I have exciting news.... I'M STAYING IN COTTONWOOD AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Woohoo!!!!!! I dont know if yall have noticed, but I never seem to stay more than two transfers in an area so you could say that I'm pretty pumped to be staying, especially with all the work we've got going on here. So excited! But Sister Cram is leaving me... So I will be receiving Sister Cox on Wednesday! If you remember, back in December I tri-panned with her for a few days when I was in Candy Mountain and YSA. Its kinda weird that she'll be my companion again but we'll have fun with it :).
 This week has been pretty busy. We took Sister White out with us one night and just saw HEAPS of miracles. Everyone we went to go see what home and we were able to set up return appointments with them! She's like a miracle worker it seems! You can bet we will be having her with us more often :).
Also, probably the best part of this week, my birthday!!!! Woohoo!!! We were finally able to get back in contact with this family we had been teaching and they decided to throw a birthday party for me! My heart was so touched :). And the best part of that, we were able to teach them and the husband accepted a copy of the Book of Mormon and committed to start reading it! Woohoo!!! Best Birthday ever! plus the Sisters brought us 7-Eleven :) Couldn't ask for better. 
 We also met this guy named K___. He has been through so much in his life its crazy. i won't go into details but its crazy how much God has protected him and how much he has learned to rely on God. There is no way he would be here if it wasn't for God. But as we were teaching him about the Book of Mormon, he was so into it and loved everything we said and said that he wants to learn more! It was so cool! I love it when people realize that the gospel makes sense :)
 I love that I'm a missionary. There is no other work that I'd rather do :) In fact, why don't I just stay here forever? Not sure President would let me, but I'm glad that I can keep doing missionary work forever. God is guiding us to people that are ready and its so neat to see it all unfold!
I love you all! Till next week!
Sister Tobler

Monday, July 10, 2017

Chapter 50: Go 4th with Faith!

Hello Everyone! 
It has been such a good week :) A long one, but so good and full of so many miracles! I'll just give a quick run down of the highlights :)
Monday!!!! We had our first official lesson with K__ and boy was is AMAZING!!!! We taught the Plan of Salvation and testified of how he could be with his wife forever through temple sealings. This gospel is so wonderful because it gives people the hope of being with their families forever, and I cant think of anything more wonderful than that :) At the end we invited him to prepare to be baptized in August and there wasn't even a hesitation. God truly is preparing people. We don't even have to do anything. He knows His children and helps them to come unto Him at the right time. 
Tuesday!!! FOURTH OF JULY!!!!!!! Honestly, we weren't expecting much out of this day because Holidays are hard to proselyte on. No one really wanted to talk with us it seems. But we bounced around from BBQ to BBQ and talked with everyone we could. Then we saw A___. We chatted for a bit about their plans for that evening and then he told his son to sit still while we told them about God. That doesn't happen everyday :) So we testified of prayer and how much God loves us. A___ started tearing up and he told us that he wasn't sure if God was speaking to him because he could seem to hear it right. I have never seen such sorrow but as we told him of our purpose, something seemed to spark within him and he asked us to come back to help him build that relationship with God again. So neat! Then that night after we had come in early for the night, Sister Cram fried ice cream. SO GOOD!
Friday!!! We had our Missionary Shindig!!! We are going to start a shindig revolution I think :). We taught the youth about being spotted from the world and how we can keep ourselves clean and pure. They ALL participated ( we had about 80 youth there) and then had the biggest paint war the tri-cities has probably ever seen. I love being a missionary and getting to work with the youth. They are so willing to share the gospel with their friends and their friends are able to have more exposure to missionaries and see that really, we aren't TOO weird :) Just a little odd I guess but aren't we all!?!
Finally, I had the opportunity to speak on Sunday about the covenants that we make at baptism. My favorite topic :). There is power in the promises that we make at baptism. God is bound to keep His end of the covenant as we do everything in our power to remember Him, be an example of Him, and keep His commandments. Its so simple and yet sometimes is hard to live. But I have seen so many blessing come into my life as I remember Him and make Him the center of everything. I love my Savior. He truly is my best friend and I would do anything for Him. 
Love y'all and thank for all your love and support and Birthday wishes!!! Yall are the best!

Sister Tobler

Everyone at the missionary shindig!

Looks like a good time was had by all.

My beautiful girl!

Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Chapter 49: Hi Again!

Hello Everyone!
This feels so weird.... I was literally just emailing on Friday.... Temple Preparation days throw me off a little... or a lot... Anyways.. Things are still going fantastic here! There isn't a whole lot more to update yall on for the last few weeks. The work goes forth. We contact potentials, knock doors, go to church, and make plans to find new investigators. You would think it would get old eventually but actually, its an adventure every day. You never know who will be behind the door, or who the Lord is preparing to have you cross paths with. We just have to be incredibly in tune with the spirit in order to recognize when people are ready to receive the gospel! Here's a story for you.
We had exchanges with the Prosser Hermanas on Saturday and I stayed in the area again while Sister Cram headed out there. Sometimes leading the area makes me a little nervous because I still get lost occasionally. I know right! You'd think that I would have figured out Richland by now but alas, I still mix up Putnum St and Pullen St. Anyways, we were knocking doors in this apartment complex with not much luck. The holiday tomorrow makes working a little harder and my companion for the day was actually sick so her spirits weren't particularly high either. We were treking up the steps to this apartment that I have seen a million times. We have waved to the people inside probably just as many times and they have never seemed very interested. There we met C___. He was so nice!!!! And so receptive! As we got to know him more, he told us that he has been wanting to go to a church but that it has been so long he's not sure where to go. We taught boldly about the Book of Mormon and the peace and direction that it brings into our lives and he didn't even hesitate to accept a copy of his very own! And he said we can come back!!!! Woohoo for missionary work!!!!!
There's not much else to report on for the last few days, but we have such a spectacular week planned and I just cant wait to see how it all plays out! Whatever happens, its obvious that God had great things in store for the Cottonwood ward! I love that I get to be a part of the sacred work. It truly is a ministry of angels. There is no way that I could do this own my own. When I don't feel strong enough to keep going, God bears me up and helps me to be better than I was before. Thank you all for all your love and support and prayers! It means so much to me and I'm so grateful for all of yall :)
Love ya!
Sister Tobler

Chapter 48: The Longest Week

Hello Everyone!
Its been forever it seems! I guess cause its been almost two weeks since we had a Preparation Day. But it was so worth it! We got to go to the temple this morning and it gave me the perfect recharge that I needed. Its amazing what simply being in a holy place can do for ones sanity :). I love the temple and I wish I could go more often. Oh well! We can just say that at the end of my mission, you know where to find me... at the temple :) Cause that's where i'll be. Almost all the time :).
I'll just tell about a few really cool people that are new to the roster :) 
K___: He is good friends with Brother Gale in the ward. For at least 2 months now Bro. Gale has been telling us about his friend who really just needs the gospel in his life. So when K___ asked for a favor, bro Gale said he'd do anything so long as k___ came to church and listened to the missionaries at church at least once. So in walks K___ on sunday morning looking a little on edge to be there. After church we got a call from Brother Gale saying that when K___ got home from church his family asked him why he was GLOWING! K___ told them that he had been to church. And that he was going again!!! AND that if they wanted to join, they were more than welcome! SO COOL!!!!! The light of Christ is so real!!!! We are so excited to see what the gospel brings into his life.
J___: So we have talked with him a few times in passing trying to get ahold of his girlfriend who said we could come back. Yesterday we had an appointment set with her but she wasn't there... again... but he was! He told us that shes not really as interested as she may have appeared BUT he said that he has been wanting to talk to us! The only reason he didn't was cause he didn't want to intrude on his girlfriends thing! He told his mom that we had been by and she said " listen to those girls. They are doing what true Christians should be doing". We were all like WHAT!!!! SO COOL! So he told us his conversion story and said that he would really love to learn more about what we believe. We had a recent convert of 3 weeks out with us and she bore powerful testimony about what the gospel has done for her just since shes been a member and you could tell he was gripped. The power of a simple heartfelt testimony is so cool to see in action. We don't have to be eloquent or anything! A simple " I know that Jesus Christ is my Savior" carries so much power!
On more miracle! So we have been praying our hearts out for the V__ U___ family, just hoping and praying that they would finally pick a date to be baptized on. A___ has been holding out hoping that her husband would pull himself together so he could baptize her but he been holing out, not feeling worthy. She picked a date but was still worrying about who was going to baptize her. Right before we start our lesson he quiets us all down saying that he has an announcement. "I have decided that I will do what it takes to baptize A___" he starts. " And if any of the girls want to get baptized, i'd be happy to do it". You can bet A___ started crying! The spirit was so strong. This is Gods work, and he helps to move it forward, whatever it takes :)
Missionary work is so amazing! When God says that He is preparing people in every area, He's not kidding!!! When we show our faith and put forth work, people come out of the woodworks! Sometimes ( lots of times actually), they also seem like the most unlikely candidates. But God loves all his children so much and knows their hearts and wants them to receive all the blessings He's got. I love it and I love Him. 
Till next week! Love yall!
Sister Tobler

p.s. funny story.. we got locked out of our apartment... and our car... in the middle of one of the craziest storms the tri citites has ever seen. Thank goodness for elders who know how to break into apartments using butter knives!!!! #whoops

Chapter 47: So...Funny Thing...

Hello Everyone! 
This has been a really weird week..... Let me show you. It can better be summed up in a photograph....
Inline image 1
So ya... I managed to get a really lovely sprain this week... It kinda makes it hard to be a missionary but it's amazing how the spirit compensates for our weaknesses and how God puts things or people in our lives to make us stronger. I cant even express how grateful I am to the countess ward members here who let me camp out on their couch between tracting, all the Ibuprofen that has been donated to the cause, the crutches they let me borrow, and so much more. I guess you could say that I couldn't have picked a better area to get injured in :). I leaned that we can either let these things stop us, or we can keep moving forward. You can bet that I wasn't going to let this stop me! We got some funny looks out crutching around Richland but it was worth it. The work must go forward, even if I look like an idiot :).
But enough about that! We totally saw miracles this week even though our ability to be out was but by about half. We were able to get back in contact with some investigators that totally fell off the face of the earth for a few weeks! Tender mercy! Now we get to have dinner with them tonight and help them to continue to learn more and hopefully progress towards baptism soon! 
We also had a lesson with a part member family this week where we talked about trusting in God through our trials ( ironic I know). Super cool! This family has been going through a major trial this week with family issues, and the mom was shared this Hillary Weeks song that totally brought not only me so much peace, but her family as well. one verse was her talking about this trial and how hard it is to rely on God. Verse two is from the perspective of God and He says that He is always there. All we must do is be still and know that He is there. I LOVED IT. Couldn't have come at a better time.
Its crazy how God gives us all these tender mercies to carry us through trials. God is so aware of us and knows exactly what we can handle. I am grateful for the opportunities that I am given to learn and grow. I know that God has me in His hand and will help me do all things through him. I love Him and am so grateful to be His servant. 
I love you all! Till next week!
Sister Tobler
Sister Lindsey Tobler
Kennewick Washington Mission

Sunday, June 18, 2017

Chapter 46: Come Listen to a Prophet's Voice

Hello Everyone! 
Such a crazy week and so much to tell so I'll try and give a play by play real quick. The latter half of the week is much more interesting. Literally everyday we woke up thinking that we should have a fairly normal day but that never happened.
Mon: Got a call late in the afternoon that we were having 2 more sisters move in with us so we had to spend the evening in moving furniture and making room for another companionship! Lets just say 2 sisters trying to move couches around in a small apartment is very amusing to watch. Thank goodness for saintly Elders who get permission to come help us. Even if they do break our light in the process.
Tues: Taking a new missionary out for the first time! Sister Carey :) Goodness she's a sweetheart. And interesting thing, she didn't go to the MTC!!! She went straight out to the field. Some new pilot program the church is trying out I guess. Anyways,she was fantastic. She even invited someone to be baptized and they said YES!!!!
Wed: Transfer day. We were safe, but that didn't mean that we were not busy. We got called to help the new sisters get all settled in their apartment and we had to give up our car to the elders for the day. Lots and Lots of walking but that's okay :). The pay off is great from so much walking. 
Thurs and Friday: Filled with Lots of service and planning. We have a big training coming up and lets just say that Sister Cram and I are probably the craziest and most fun STL's in this mission ( not to brag or anything). Our training involves a skit.... and fire.... stay tuned for pictures to come next week. 
Sat: MISSION CONFERENCE WITH ELDER ANDERSEN!!!!! Oh my goodness it was so good. We had great seats because I had to lead the music :) Perks of being a musician I guess :) He is definitely helping us to raise the bar in our missionary efforts here but I'm not too worried about it because I know that God will help us to meet these higher expectations. We also got some really cool promptings that were fulfilled on Sunday.... Also, I got to shake his hand :)
Sun: STAKE CONFERENCE WITH ELDER ANDERSEN!!!! So good again! After the conference we decided to go and visit a Part Member family that we thought about on Saturday and when we showed up they had just experienced a major family crisis and she was so overwhelmed. I guess no one would answer her calls because she just needed to talk about what was happening and at the moment she was about to sink back into her depression, guess who knocks on her door..... us. God watches out for His children. He prompted us to go see her 24 hours in advance because He knew that she would need support. I love getting to be his instrument. This really is an amazing work.
We also met this really cool couple. J___ and H___. They have a little 5 month old but kinda sad/ crazy thing, they are still in high school... but they have such a light and desire to know for themselves if God really is there and wants to help their little family. I am so excited to help them find that... Not sure how it's all going to play out, but I have faith that God has a plan for them and will bless them as they seek out truth. 
There were so many highlights from Elder Andersen's visit that I don't really know what to share! One of my favorite stories was about his grandson. He said that he and his wife were watching them and from the back room they heard the younger one scream. After comforting him they asked what happened. They younger one said " Clayton hit me!!!" Then they went to go talk to Clayton and asked him why he hit his younger brother. " Mimi" he said" I'm sorry, but I lost my CTR ring so now I can't choose the right." I just about died laughing inside when he said this but how often do we say similar things? How often do we blame our circumstances on others? That's why I love repentance. We can own up for our mistakes and try and little harder to be a little better everyday. No one has traveled beyond the reach of divine love. We all can become clean and new again through the atonement of Jesus Christ. We just have to use it. It's that simple. I love that I get to spend everyday teaching others how to access that. Its a very special think and I'm so glad I still have so much time to do it :) I love you all and thank you for your love and support!
Till next week!
Sister Tobler

Chapter 45: Transfers

Hello Everyone!!!!
I know I say this every week, but this week was so crazy!!!! We literally had meetings everyday except for Tuesday and Saturday so that kept us really busy! First off I should probably let y'all know, we got transfer calls this morning and.... I'M STAYING!!!! WITH SISTER CRAM!!!! WOOHOOO!!! This next transfer is going to be so great!!! So excited!! We are getting almost all new sisters in our stewardship! So weird! But I'm excited to get to know these new sisters and feel God's love for them :). I love being a missionary. 
So many miracles this week! We took the V____ family on a temple tour yesterday and the spirit there was so wonderful. We have been struggling to help them to finally pick a date for their baptism but she was able to finally decide. It may not be as soon as we hoped, but I know that God will continue to prepare them for August 18th. God is all over this and He knows exactly what they need and the timing for their family. We are so excited for them. Their are adopting a little boy in July so even he will be able to be there on their special day. Eternal families are so amazing and its awesome to see them desire that. 
Can I just say how grateful I am for members and their willingness to help with the work? We have been working with the L____ family ( returning Less Active family) for a while and we love them so much. They do so much for us and when we were looking for fellowship for J____ and her family, they were the first people to come to mind :). And they were so willing to help. A hour with both families at the L____ farm and there started a beautiful friendship between the families that will totally help them to feel comfortable coming to church and all. Members are so needed to help with the social conversion because it takes BOTH, spiritual and social conversion, to help a convert stay active throughout their lives. I love the members for all that they do to help our investigators grow in the gospel. 
I love this work so much. We have been talking a lot about obedience this week in the mission. Of course we always talk about it, but with Elder Andersen coming on Saturday, there's a HUGE focus now :). President gave an incredible thought about obedience. In this mission, we are known for being VERY strict. We have lots of little rules and many don't make a lot of sense, but we obey because we want the blessings. President said " Ya know, I don;t think wearing logos will keep you out of the celestial kingdom. It just wont... BUT. Your attitude behind the rule ( commandment) will." When we disobey because a commandment seems silly or not of eternal significance, we are turning away from God, and that is the bigger sin. It made me think about what I can do better. I may not be disobedient ( I promise I'm not!!!! :)) but what more can I do to hand my life over to my Savior. What more can I do to be a better servant. I am so excited to see the changes that come in myself as I do so. 
I love you and I love my Savior for all that He has done for me. Thanks for all your love and support! Till next week!
Sister Tobler

Chapter 44: 10 months!

Hello Everyone!!!
I literally have no clue where to start with this week. In short, it was full of ups and downs. LOTS of them. But it has been really cool to see that through it all, God supported us and the work in our area. So many miracles happened this week! I'll try to keep it concise :)
We had 2 lessons with J____ this last week! Funny thing, we discovered that her husband isn't actually an evangelical missionary... he actually went to jail..... that was weird.... and then at our second lesson he was back. Still have no clue whats going on there, but anyways! So neat. She is searching for truth and really wants to make the right decision and come closer to God. After teaching the restoration and asking her thoughts she immediately said that she knew it could happen. She knew that this was good and that we were sent from God right in the moment that she needed help. We taught her and her kids how to pray and the spirit in her apartment totally changed. it was incredible. 
I got to go on exchanges with Hermana Malone this week and man i wish that I had remembered to take a picture!!!! Most of you probably don't know, but we went to girls camp and everything together! Grew up in the same stake :) How nutty is that!! Anyways, it was super fun to get to spend the day together in Cottonwood and learn from one another. She has such a fire for the gospel and loves sharing it and I felt like I learned so much from her. She's totally gonna take every area she serves in by storm. 
Can I just take a quick moment to second to praise my companion? Sister Cram is literally the best. She is so good at supporting me in all my goals an endeavors. Good companions make all the difference in an area. God is so good and has blessed me with an amazing companion. 
Here's a little thought to get yall through the week. President Uchtdorf said " With Christ, darkness cannot succeed. Darkness will not gain victory over the light of Christ." I totally saw that this week. We have a light about us as followers of Christ and no matter how many people try to bring us down or make us doubt who we really are, the cannot, for light always chases away darkness. When we cant seem to find the light, look to Christ. He is always there. Always. 
I love yall! Till next week!!!
Sister Tobler

p.s. I'll try to have the member take a video of it today, but I'm singing and playing the uke in a missionary talent show today :) SO PUMPED!!!!!!!!!!!!!