Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Chapter 47: So...Funny Thing...

Hello Everyone! 
This has been a really weird week..... Let me show you. It can better be summed up in a photograph....
Inline image 1
So ya... I managed to get a really lovely sprain this week... It kinda makes it hard to be a missionary but it's amazing how the spirit compensates for our weaknesses and how God puts things or people in our lives to make us stronger. I cant even express how grateful I am to the countess ward members here who let me camp out on their couch between tracting, all the Ibuprofen that has been donated to the cause, the crutches they let me borrow, and so much more. I guess you could say that I couldn't have picked a better area to get injured in :). I leaned that we can either let these things stop us, or we can keep moving forward. You can bet that I wasn't going to let this stop me! We got some funny looks out crutching around Richland but it was worth it. The work must go forward, even if I look like an idiot :).
But enough about that! We totally saw miracles this week even though our ability to be out was but by about half. We were able to get back in contact with some investigators that totally fell off the face of the earth for a few weeks! Tender mercy! Now we get to have dinner with them tonight and help them to continue to learn more and hopefully progress towards baptism soon! 
We also had a lesson with a part member family this week where we talked about trusting in God through our trials ( ironic I know). Super cool! This family has been going through a major trial this week with family issues, and the mom was shared this Hillary Weeks song that totally brought not only me so much peace, but her family as well. one verse was her talking about this trial and how hard it is to rely on God. Verse two is from the perspective of God and He says that He is always there. All we must do is be still and know that He is there. I LOVED IT. Couldn't have come at a better time.
Its crazy how God gives us all these tender mercies to carry us through trials. God is so aware of us and knows exactly what we can handle. I am grateful for the opportunities that I am given to learn and grow. I know that God has me in His hand and will help me do all things through him. I love Him and am so grateful to be His servant. 
I love you all! Till next week!
Sister Tobler
Sister Lindsey Tobler
Kennewick Washington Mission

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