Monday, July 10, 2017

Chapter 50: Go 4th with Faith!

Hello Everyone! 
It has been such a good week :) A long one, but so good and full of so many miracles! I'll just give a quick run down of the highlights :)
Monday!!!! We had our first official lesson with K__ and boy was is AMAZING!!!! We taught the Plan of Salvation and testified of how he could be with his wife forever through temple sealings. This gospel is so wonderful because it gives people the hope of being with their families forever, and I cant think of anything more wonderful than that :) At the end we invited him to prepare to be baptized in August and there wasn't even a hesitation. God truly is preparing people. We don't even have to do anything. He knows His children and helps them to come unto Him at the right time. 
Tuesday!!! FOURTH OF JULY!!!!!!! Honestly, we weren't expecting much out of this day because Holidays are hard to proselyte on. No one really wanted to talk with us it seems. But we bounced around from BBQ to BBQ and talked with everyone we could. Then we saw A___. We chatted for a bit about their plans for that evening and then he told his son to sit still while we told them about God. That doesn't happen everyday :) So we testified of prayer and how much God loves us. A___ started tearing up and he told us that he wasn't sure if God was speaking to him because he could seem to hear it right. I have never seen such sorrow but as we told him of our purpose, something seemed to spark within him and he asked us to come back to help him build that relationship with God again. So neat! Then that night after we had come in early for the night, Sister Cram fried ice cream. SO GOOD!
Friday!!! We had our Missionary Shindig!!! We are going to start a shindig revolution I think :). We taught the youth about being spotted from the world and how we can keep ourselves clean and pure. They ALL participated ( we had about 80 youth there) and then had the biggest paint war the tri-cities has probably ever seen. I love being a missionary and getting to work with the youth. They are so willing to share the gospel with their friends and their friends are able to have more exposure to missionaries and see that really, we aren't TOO weird :) Just a little odd I guess but aren't we all!?!
Finally, I had the opportunity to speak on Sunday about the covenants that we make at baptism. My favorite topic :). There is power in the promises that we make at baptism. God is bound to keep His end of the covenant as we do everything in our power to remember Him, be an example of Him, and keep His commandments. Its so simple and yet sometimes is hard to live. But I have seen so many blessing come into my life as I remember Him and make Him the center of everything. I love my Savior. He truly is my best friend and I would do anything for Him. 
Love y'all and thank for all your love and support and Birthday wishes!!! Yall are the best!

Sister Tobler

Everyone at the missionary shindig!

Looks like a good time was had by all.

My beautiful girl!

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