Monday, December 18, 2017

Chapter 72: O Holy Night!

Hello Everyone!
I don't know where the weeks are flying off to but man has this week been fast! I'll try to just share a few highlights but there were a lot so :)
WE FOUND A NEW INVESTIGATOR! His name is R___ and R____ is super cool :) It was late one night and we were knocking on the doors of a few formers. He opened up, said he had visited with missionaries and that he has some family members who are members. We chatted a little more and he said the last sisters he talked with helped him so much so he would love to have us come back. Fast forward to this week, we go in, teach the restoration and he asks all the right questions. " How can I know what path God wants me to follow?" "Is there one way?" And all sorts of things like that. The spirit was so strong so we invited him to be baptized and he said YES! How cool is that! He didn't feel ready to set a specific date but we are excited to see him start to grow his testimony and come to experience the gospel :).
So we set out one night to go and contact a few people and nothing was working out. No one home... so we were onto our final back up plan which was to knock that street but something just didn't feel right about that. So I pulled out a list a referrals some old sisters hadn't contacted I I really felt like we needed to find J___. So we drive around a bit and find the house up on this hill behind some trees. Knock on the door and we meet S____. She invites us in immediately and says that our timing is perfect. Her husband (who we were looking for) passed away 2 weeks ago and she really needed some prayers. We just sat and cried with her and shared a little about how our families can be together again. She told us that she really hoped that we come back again soon and my heart just melted for her. God is so aware of his children and when they need a little pick me up. It was amazing to be so in tune and see those blessings.
What else happened this week... Oh! I sang at the ward Christmas party! I wish I had a recording for y'all because oh my goodness I blew that "Oh Holy Night" out of the water! Made a few people cry and I hit the crazy high note near the end :) Just had to dust to cobwebs off those old pipes :) So fun and we had a lot of less actives that we invited come which was super awesome!
I know there are more things that I'm forgetting to talk about but I'm sure I'll remember later on :) Its amazing down here in Pendleton. I love this little town and all its quirky people. They are so humble and in such great need of the gospel and its been so amazing to get to look for them everyday. I love being a missionary. Best. Job. Ever :). I love y'all and thank you for your love and prayers! They mean so much to me.
Till next week!
Sister Tobler

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