Sunday, September 4, 2016

Chapter 5: My Soul has been Fed

Hello everyone!
So I realized that there are so many things that I forgot to mention in my email last week! Sometimes I can't keep everything straight but I'll try and remember it all this time around :)

So I am serving in the Kennewick stake right now in the Grandridge and Rancho Reata wards right now. I LOVE THE PEOPLE SO MUCH. The wards have been such a support and are always willing to help whenever possible. It makes it so much easier to do the work when the wards are involved! If I  had known how important the members are in missionary work I think I would have done so much more! If you have people on you mind who may be interested in hearing more about the gospel, tell the missionaries! We love referrals so much and take them very seriously. Your friends are in good hands :) I promise :). 

We live in a little one bedroom apartment but it strangely feels really big when there are only two of you living there. I was a little surprised that we weren't sharing it with another set of sisters but then I learned that we are the only set of sisters in the district! Crazy right!? Maybe not but it felt a little funny to me. 

In regards to the heading of my email... So of course my soul is fed by the scriptures and prayer and church and whatnot, but today it has been fed especially.... by Great Harvest. :). Was I the only person who didn't know that Great Harvest has a cafe? Well it does and as we are about to check out a member from another ward came and talked with us and bought our lunch. How nice is that right! I know that's random but it totally made our day :)

A little tidbit about my companion Sister Miner... She's pretty much the best person EVER. She's so positive all the time and she's always humming a little tune ( about 50% of the time they are ones that she has made up herself). She's from Utah and Colorado ( she says both because... well I dont know why but she does) and she loves honey. That's right. like the sticky stuff. She just finished off a bottle this week and I find it hilarious until she reminds me how many cucumbers I eat. Whoops! Anyways, she's fantastic. Simple as that :).

So onto my week! We have had a few really good lessons and we've done a lot of tracting. Still not my most favorite activity but I no longer feel like I'm going to have a mini heart attack every time I knock :). Positive thoughts right!?! Anyways, We had another lesson with ______ and she came to Stake conference this week! And she liked it! Woohoo!!!! She's planning on coming to church with us this week and we have another lesson set with her for Thursday. She's still praying about her baptismal date of Sept 24th but she really wants be be baptized and we are so excited for her to take that step. 

We have spent a lot of time with the less actives in the area this week. Some of them are stronger than others but the common thread has been that they all still have a testimony which makes me so happy. It's never to late for anyone to come back to church. ever. It is so rewarding to see the light of testimony begin to grow within them again and to help them get through any reservations they have. I have loved especially working with the _______ family and helping them to realize that they do have enough faith. Even if we only have a tiny seed of faith, if we turn it over to God, He can turn it into a magnificent tree. 

One other family we are teaching is the _________ family. They are recent converts of about two years if I remember correctly. They are fantastic. I love them so SO much. We are now helping them to prepare to be sealed in the temple! How fun is that!?! While we do love to have baptisms, really it comes down to seeing those families in the temple. We want to see them all in the temple one day making covenants with God to be better than they were the day before. We can all always improve in some way and to see them have the desire to grow in their relationship with God, Gah! it's the best thing ever!

I have seen so many miracles in my life this week and because of them, I know that God knows me personally. He knows when I'm having a rough day. He knows when I'm on cloud 9 after a really good lesson. He knows when I'm tired. He knows me. He knows each one of us. Pray and you will feel that He is there. I know it but don't just take my word for it. Ask Him. 

I love you all and Thank you so much for all the support you give me! I feel your prayers and I'm so eternally grateful :)
This is a picture of beautiful Kennewick!

Love you all! Till next week!
Sister Lindsey Tobler

Kennewick Washington Mission

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