Monday, September 12, 2016

Chapter 6: Miracles Galore!

Hello everyone!
I'm not ever sure where to start! Such an amazing week! So So Good!!!! Okay I'll give y'all the highlights. 
1. SHARLEEN IS GETTING BAPTIZED!!!!! on September 24th!!!! We are so excited for her to start this journey with God. She has asked her nieces husband to baptize her and we are just super duper excited for their whole family. Best feeling in the world when someone realizes that this is true and that they want it.
2. We met this lady named _________ while out tracting this week and she asked us to come back. After teaching the restoration she said that she'd start reading the Book of Mormon because she wants to find truth. She's not afraid to admit that her church is missing something and just want to come close to God with her family. We can't wait to go back!
3. We met so many people while knocking doors yesterday and a few of them want us to come back!!! Seriously, such a good feeling to know that some people really do want to learn more and that God has been preparing them to meet us. One guy said that he has been praying for help to strengthen his relationship with God. Another said he believes in God because a friend of his served a mission years ago and he wants to know more. Another said he was an atheist untill a member of the church invited him to church. Another has seen so many missionaries and has been hoping that someone would come talk to him about the church. Isn't it amazing how God works? He has a plan for everyone. He knows everyone and is so aware of us. 
We have made many visits to the less actives in the ward and have been trying to help them rekindle their testimonies. It is hard but really, what more rewarding thing is there, than to endure to the end? And it's not really "enduring" per say because we have Christ there with us every step of the way. We can give our burdens to Him and He will strengthen our backs so that we we will be able to bear the burdens placed upon them. 
I know that this is the true gospel. I have seen to many miracles to ever deny it. I know that it's true. I have felt God's hand in my life. I have seen him soften the hearts of even the toughest. I have seen so much love and mercy in my life that I could never deny Him. I have been SAVED by Grace as we all have but even more, I have been CHANGED by Grace. Because of grace, I live every day trying to be better, trying to say what He would say, go where He would go, and do what He would do. He is my Savior and for that, I will be forever grateful. 
I love you all and thank you so much for all the love and support!! Y'all are the best!
Sister Tobler

Sister Lindsey Tobler

Kennewick Washington Mission

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