Monday, January 23, 2017

Chapter 25: And We Walked....

Hello Everyone!
So much has happened in this last week I don't even know where to start! Lets see... Lets start at the very beginning, a very good place to start :) ( If you sang that in your head you get a thumbs up from me :))
So Tuesday we were really struggling to find a ride. Literally no one would come pick us up from our apartment out in Richland because the snow was so bad. A little background, most of our work is in West Richland which is about a 15 min car ride away. We called just about everyone in the ward and still no luck. Even our district and zone leaders didn't know what to tell us to do. They said that we may just have to sit inside for the day. Well you can bet that we wouldn't hear of any of that. So we donned as many layers as we could and set out to WALK there. We figured that if we left at noon we should be there at 5 for dinner and then we could still have our appointments that night. We walked, and walked, and walked.... it was long... but a miracle happened! After being slushed by a big ol' truck and having a car full of drunk men pull over and offer us a ride, Sister Clifford came to our rescue :). She was just driving past on her way to lunch and when she saw us a look of utter horror crossed her face as she realized what we were doing. You can bet we got a scolding but she couldn't stop laughing at some of our crazy stories from that morning. Moral of the story, walking through hip high snow is really hard and if your Ward Mission Leaders wife catches you walking to another city, you're busted :)
Then onto Wednesday, we had interviews scheduled with our mission president but because of all the snow he got stuck in Hermiston!  All day we had to be ready at the drop of a hat to dash of the church building for interviews. Luckily he was able to make it! He told Sister Johns that she will be staying in this area next transfer and then asked me how I would feel about being doubled in and greenie busting a missionary. We'll just have to see what happens!!
On Thursday we had exchanges with our STL's so I spent the day with Hermana Presscott. SO MUCH FUN :). We got lost a little in Richland but were able to make it to all of our appointments and teach some amazing lessons. She is such a good missionary and even though we had no clue what we were doing sometimes, it all works out. God provides the increase ALL the time :).
On Friday we had one final lesson scheduled with Sidney before her baptism this week and we got a text that she didn't have a ride to the church. Well we wouldn't take that as an answer. So what do we do? Of course, we snatch up a YSA and make the trek out there to get her. We ended up teaching an amazing lesson about temples and she is so excited to be able to go in soon and do work for her own family members. It's so amazing the change that I have seen her since we first met. She has so much light in her eyes. It's incredible! I love being a missionary!!!
So as you can see, it's been an insane week!!! But I wouldn't have it any other way. I am so grateful to be able to serve God with everything that I have to give. This gospel is so true. I love it with all my heart and I love the people that I get to serve here. This work is amazing! I love you all and I'm so grateful for all that ya'll do for me!
Till next week!
Sister Tobler
Sister Lindsey Tobler
Kennewick Washington Mission

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