Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Chapter 23: Snow. Sweat. Slim.😊

Hello Everyone!!!
So I'm sure Ya'll are all wondering about the tripan :) Well let me tell you, when Sister Cox joined us we were told it would last 5 weeks. 5 days later we got a call from President White saying that she was being transferred to Pasco! Crazy! So since I have last written she has come and gone. She was so sweet though. Sister Miner and I took her out her first night in the field back when I was still a greeney so it was fun to have her even if it was just for a little while. 
This week was kinda all over the place. I managed to get a concussion ( don't worry Mom. I'm okay :)), our garbage disposal broke ( and no, the maintenance people haven't fixed it quite yet), we had to move G____ baptism back ( she had a little too much fun on New Years eve) and to top it all off, the night it snowed about 2 feet, we were told that we weren't allowed to drive the next day. I know, sounds like not such a good week. But there were miracles left and right! First off, our schedule just worked out so that I was able to do quite a bit of resting so now my head is all good! Miracle! Even though G_____ wont be getting baptized this week, she still wants to as soon as she can! We are going to help her come up with a game plan to overcome hard things even if she has to do it alone :). stay tuned for that next week :). And even with all the snow,  we were able to keep our spirits up by taking pictures and laughing along the way. There is a good element to every hard thing. Well, I still haven't found out the good in not having a working garbage disposal but I am grateful that we have one at all:).
So let me tell you more about yesterday and the snow. Seriously, it was so bad. It made me realize why missionaries always have a car in our area. It's HUGE! We had a lesson with G___, shoveled her walk,and then started making our way our to talk with S___. We left G___ house at about 4:30 and trekked through snow up to our knees. Along the way we pushed someones car up a hill and offered service where we could. After an hour and a half of "high knees" ( you wouldn't believe how hard it is to walk in that much snow), a truck of angels came to our rescue. A family from Yakima saw us and knew that we had to be missionaries because no one else would be crazy enough to be out in that weather and so they gave us a ride :) And keep in mind that this is the exact moment that we thought we couldn't keep going. We were spent. Amazing how God gives us those tender mercies when we need them most :). We spent the rest of our night then walking to the church ( More snow, lots of sweating from all the walking, and we hope that means that we'll be slim by the end of winter), having S____ baptismal interview (SHE PASSED!!!!!!!), and then getting a bite to eat. crazy CRAZY night :) But I wouldn't trade it for anything. 
Lets see, what else....The work is just going great here. We are keeping busy which is great. Once school gets back in it will get even better but for now, I am grateful that the holidays have come and gone so that peoples schedules go back to normal :). New Years was super fun. We went in, ate BBQ for dinner, and drank Italian soda which watching Mountain of the Lord :) It was a fun way to end the year!
I love being a missionary with all my heart. It is the hardest thing that I've ever done, but I've seen the rewards and I've even been able to reap a few of them myself. I feel so lucky to be able to serve God with everything that I have to offer. I know that He is pleased with my efforts, even if at times they seem like not so much. "When ye are in the service of your fellow being, ye are only in the service of your God". Find ways to serve those around you this week and I can promise that God will be please with you. Look for those opportunities and the blessing will come pouring down! I love you all! Thank you for all your love, prayers, and support! Have a fantastic week!!!
Sister Tobler

Snow up to her knees!!!

The District with their Toblerone bars.

Sister Johns, Sister Cox, and Lindsey

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