Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Chapter 13: Let Your Light So Shine

Hello Everyone!

I LOVE THIS WORK! I really do :). Now true, some days are harder than others, but I really love it. And crazy thing, Thursday is my three month mark! Woohoo! This has been the absolute fastest three months of my life and I am so excited to see where the coming weeks take me! 

This week S___ was baptized. Such a sweet moment. She has given me a few scares I'll admit but she finally decided that this is what she wants, and she was so excited. From the moment she walked down into the water, such a sense of peace came over me. It's amazing how everyone's baptism is different because we are all different, but the Spirit still moves us. The Spirit testifies of truth in all sorts of ways. I think I felt it strongest on Sunday at her confirmation. There is such power in those words, "receive the Holy Ghost" and it was tangible in the room. When she stood up after the blessing she was in tears. She felt it too and it made me so grateful to know her.

That whole Sunday was a crazy rush of the Spirit actually. We attended two primary programs and were able to feel of the Spirit there, Sister Miner decided to tell me 5 minutes before the second hour of church would start that we were actually going to be teaching the gospel essentials class ( don't worry, it went really well surprisingly :)) and we had a lesson with an inactive lady whose story just breaks my heart. I love the people out here so much even though I hardly know them. I can feel the love that God has for them and it just makes my heart feel so full! I would do almost anything for the people here.  

Early on this week we met a man named J___ while out tracting. To preface this story, lets just say that there is one street in our area that we really don't like tracting. It's just a little too busy for our liking but we knew that we needed to knock on these doors because they could be ready for the gospel. It was pitch black and here are two girls running along side the road from house to house. i'm sure it was quite the site but I am so grateful that we did it. We met Jason that night and were able to go back the next day to teach him. It spirit was so strong in that room as we taught about the restoration of the Gospel. We asked him if he thought that Joseph Smith really saw our Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ and he said that too be honest, he wasn't sure. His biggest question though was if he could be forgiven of his sins. Here was a man who grew up fairly religious with his eyes now welling with tears because he had turned away from his faith for a time and while he really wanted to come back, he wasn't sure that he could. As we taught him about repentance I felt a power come into our words and while I have no clue what we said, he was touched and said that he would like us to come back. I am so grateful for this gospel because we know that God is always willing to have us turn back to Him. True it isn't always easy, but He puts people in our paths to help us along that path such as friends, family, and even missionaries :). 

Another miracle story. We had a lesson with O_____ and her family at the S______ home this week and we were so excited when her mother told us that her husband ( so O_____'s non-member stepdad) really wanted to be there. You could say that getting a text like that is kinda music to a missionaries ears :). We taught about how we can recognize impressions from the Holy Ghost and the power that he brings into our lives. Everyone, and I mean EVERYONE ( including her stepdad in inactive mother) shared stories of how they have seen God warning them through the spirit. Amazing lesson! And it is amazing to see how the example of one little girl is helping her family to build up that relationship with Christ. I love their family and I can't wait for the day that I see a picture of them all outside the temple, because I have faith that that day will come, and perhaps it isn't even too far off :).

Fun thing happened last night, so we got a phone call when we were in a lesson late last night so we didn't get to listen to the voicemail until shortly before we went in last night, but it was a call from Sister Ririe asking me to lead one of the choirs for Zone Conference! And Elder Zabaillos (?) will be there!!!! How neat is that! I am so excited to "let my light so shine" and help with this program. So Excited!!!! 

The work out here is just great. I don't even have words to describe it but it really is just fantastic :). I love all that I am learning and becoming as I rely on God and his mercy. Sometimes, no, correction, ALL THE TIME growing is not comfortable, but God helps us through the growing pains as we become something more. I'm not sure what exactly He is molding me to become yet but I have a few ideas :). When we rely on Him, one day we will be able to look back and be grateful for the struggles, because they helped us to become greater in His sight. I have a challenge for you all. Ready? Get out a sticky note and think/ pray about one think that you want to change to help you come closer to Christ, whether that be saying your prayers every morning and every night or studying in the Book of Mormon a little more every day. Put that sticky note somewhere where you will see it every day, and for a week, write down the blessing that come from the change that you are trying to make, because there will be blessings, I can promise you that because I've seen it. It really works. 
I love you all!!!! Have a great week!
Sister Tobler

Sister Lindsey Tobler

Kennewick Washington Mission

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