Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Chapter 14: You Know You are a Missionary When...

Hello Everyone!!!
Happy belated Halloween! Let me first just say, I now understand why missionaries don't go inside at 6 everyday. We would go stir crazy! For the first hour we seriously cleaned the apartment and then sat around and twiddled our thumbs because we didn't know what to do! It was hard to think about all those people out and about and not being able to to talk to them! But I do understand why it had to be so. A few people gave us some funny looks the closer we got to 6. I think they thought we were trick or treaters... sigh... no tricks here. just truth :)

Anyways, this week has been just fantastic! Sure there were lots of ups and downs, but the ups were so much greater than all of the downs combined! We talked to so many people this week and most of them told us to come back in a few days! Amazing! It truly is incredible how when some people decide that the gospel isn't for them, God puts new people in our path who are so elect! I love this work :). 

Fun thing, I went to Hermiston this week for exchanges! So fun to get out of the tri-cities bubble and head on down to Oregon! I'll admit, it felt a little weird to get on a highway and just drive through literally the middle of nowhere for a solid 30 minutes, but I loved getting to meet new people and make new friends. I met a recent convert of about 2 months who is now a ward missionary and she is just on fire! None of her children approve of the decision that she made to be baptized but she has embraced everything completely and is one of the best ward missionaries I have ever met. And Sister R_____ was amazing to serve with, even if it was just for a day. We met a lot of interesting people and heard some crazy things, but it was so fun to have that change of pace and to get to help the work move forward in another area :)

This Sunday we had members of the high council speak in both of our wards and it was simple amazing. President M____ talked about how when he was flying planes in the military off of carrier ships way back when, they had what they call ACLS ( Automatic Carrier Landing Systems) to help them with those tricky lands. He said that most of the fatalities they had every year were due to the pilots NOT trusting those systems and deciding that they could make the landing on their own. In life we have our own ACLS ( Automatic Celestial Landing System) here in this life. God has given us so much to help us on that journey home and to "land" in safety with God. Think of the Iron Rod.
Hold to the rod, the iron rod
Tis' strong and bright and true
The iron rod is the work of God
Twill safely guide us through.
We have to trust in all of the tools that God has given us to be able to return to Him again. Don't think that you can do it on your own because trust me, you can't. Simple as that. Study the Book of Mormon DAILY. Pray DAILY. Remember your covenants DAILY. And I can promise you, as a representative of Jesus Christ, that you will see miracles. You will see the heavenly open up and pour out blessings upon you and they will be so numerous that you wont have enough room to receive them all :). I promise :).
 I love you all and thank you so much for all of your love and support! Pray for miracles! Trust in God and believe in good things to come :)
Sister Tobler

Sister Lindsey Tobler

Kennewick Washington Mission

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