Thursday, May 25, 2017

Chapter 42: Mother, I Love You

Hello Everyone!
I love Mothers day :). I love Moms. I love the gospel. I love it all :). I am just so happy! Getting to talk with the family was so fun and now I feel so ready to take on the next 7 months. I'm gonna take the tri-cites by storm!! Woohoo!!! Families are the best and I'm glad that I get to be with mine for all eternity :)
This week was just a whirlwind. SO much happened! Lots of zone meetings, mission meetings, and planning trainings. YIKES! Whoever put Sister Tobler in charge of training other missionaries wasn't quite thinking that one through but luckily the Spirit made up for my many flaws :). We had to give a training on how living the Word of Wisdom can be a faith promoting experience when we apply the atonement. You can believe that they stumped me on that one. But it was cool to see as we studied it more how important the atonement is in every commandment that we are given. The Savior died for our mistakes. He paid a terrible price for us and because He paid that price, we can find the strength to overcome our mistakes and be made whole again. My testimony of living the commandments increased 10 fold this week :). Love it.
Super exciting! We had our Missionary Shindig this week!!! ( I think I mentioned in an email before or something) It was a huge success! Let me preface what happened that day though. So we wake up, birds are chirping, the sky is bright and clear, not a cloud in sight, it looks like its going to be a beautiful day. We decide to walk to save miles and talk with people on our way to our visits. We make it to the other side of our area ( about 30 min away) and we feel raindrops. Dang it.... Then,... hail. yes. hail. We almost decided to take cover in a members house but realized that if we gave up now, there was no way that God was going to bless us with the weather that we needed for our shindig.  So we kept walking and smiled and waved to everyone walking by :). And you know what happened? The rain stopped 5 min before our activity officially started. God is good. All the time. We played a scripture game and then capture the flag and it was so fun! out of the 30 people we had there, 6 of them were not members of the church. it was so great and they all said that they would totally come again :). Its cool to see what can happen when we simply invite. Now all those kids recognize the missionaries in the area and we can start building relationships with them that can hopefully lead to some questions about the gospel. Entering the city by another way. Its a real thing and it totally works. Plus it's a lot more fun than having people slam the door in your face. 
Look up Alma 44:2-4. This was a thought that we gave this week. We all face battles everyday. Satan is trying to throw us off our game daily and its up to us to be strong enough to face the challenges he will through our way. We have to do our part. We have to be STUDYING our scriptures and praying DAILY. We have to really BE at church, not just attend because we have to. We wont be given that power if we are just going through the motions. We have to show God that we want His help and He will grant it every time. I have see that so much as I have faced battles as a missionary and pre-mission battles. We have to arm ourselves. And God is so willing to help :). 
I love you all! Thank you so much for all your love and support! Till next week!!
Sister Tobler

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