Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Chapter 39: Transfered

Hello Everyone!
My goodness what a week! We literally met with all of our investigators on Tuesday which left absolutely no time to pack. We ran from house to house from 12:30- 8:55. No joke. But it was so good. I love LOVE those people and it was so hard to leave them. C____ actually started crying when we said our final goodbye which just broke my heart. That night was really stressful trying to get all packed but somehow it all got done! Then it was off to Richland!
Sister Cram is so wonderful and we just hit the ground running! ( with a slight limp in my case ( just a slightly sprained ankle but its all good )). While we do have a car, we have seen so many miracles
from walking that we hardly ever drive. So many people to talk with and serve when you are just out walking! I love it! I feel like a real missionary :). Now I just need to convince President to let sisters ride bikes and the image will be complete :). 
We found this amazing family out street contacting! So funny story, we were going to contact this potential but as we were walking there, two cop cars pull up and run up to their neighbors house... yikes! So you can bet that we started booking it the other way! We were sending a text in at the same time but once we sent it we turned around and saw a lady sitting on her porch watching her son run around the yard. We decided to go talk to her because ya know, we're missionaries and that's kinda what we do all day :). We strike up a conversation about her family and then introduce ourselves. Turns out, SHE'S NEVER HEARD OF THE CHURCH! Do you know how rare that is in the Tri-cites!?! Literally everyone here knows a Mormon. Except A___. We ask her if we can share a message and she says YES! and she meant like right now :). So there we are, teaching the Restoration on her front porch. When we start talking about the first vision she gets really quiet and just holds the picture in awe. Wow. The spirit was so strong. When we asked if we could come back to share the evidence of our message she didn't even hesitate to set up a time. I love their family already so much! Plus it was really cute to watch Sister Cram play soccer with her son for a little bit :) SO CUTE!
I met our most progressing investigators this week which was awesome! The V__ U___ Family. They are so elect!!! They come to church faithfully every week, go to YW and activities. They have learned to pray and seek out answers from God. It is so cool. I don't know how I got so lucky to get to work with so many wonderful people! God must love me a lot :)
Other fun things this week, we ate a traditional Hawaiian dinner with a member! So good and so weird :) Sister Cram was in HEAVEN (She's from Kauai) and got quite the kick out of watching me try to hide the fact that I didn't serve myself any Puoy. That was just too funky lookin' :). But seriously, being a missionary is so fun :). I get to try new things every single day and meet new people all the time. I couldn't ask for anything better!  The gospel is so true no matter where you are and it's so cool to watch people change their lives for it! We have the good news and we get to share it with everyone :) Its the best :) I cant wait to tell you about some of the plans we have for the zone! It's kinda fun being a leader! You get to help so many people and I just love it so much! There will be so much to tell next week!
I love you all!

Sister Tobler

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