Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Chapter 41: the Life of an STL

Hello Everyone!!!!
This week has been absolutely insane. I honestly had no clue how much our mission leaders do for us and I didn't appreciate it until I became one. These missionaries literally give their every waking moment to helping us become better and more obedient servants worthy of miracles. Every single companionship we are over has been struggling with something.... 2 of them were being stalked, 1 has been battling homesickness, and another has been finding their faith in the work dwindling. Talk about baptism by fire, I had no clue what to do going into the exchanges that we had this week, but it's amazing how God truly does magnify us as we trust in Him.
 My first exchange took me out to Grandview with Hermana Prescott. In  case anyone wasn't aware, I don't speak Spanish.... Like at all. No bueno. But miracle!!!! I was able to understand almost EVERYTHING that was said!!! The gift of tongues is a real thing... okay, I wasn't able to speak but I knew where these people were coming from and I could tell that my companion was so in tune with the spirit. She knew what would help those people to feel of Gods love for them and was able to convey it. I loved getting to be apart of that, especially since Hermana Prescott finishes her mission this week. Back 4 months ago she was my STL so it was fun to see how much she had grown since then and what a powerful missionary she is, even to the very end :) I just love missionaries :)
Right after that exchange we had to book it over to West Richland so I could exchange in Candy Mountain! With Sister Johns!!!! It was seriously deh jah vu. Just like old times. We made a few people double take, cause it's been so long since I served there but it was super fun. Its crazy how the work can change in an area in just a few months. Back 4 months ago, we couldn't keep up with all the work going on.... now..... it's dead... literally.. all of the investigators died. or moved.... or came out as compulsive liars... that wasn't so fun... so we spent most of out time talking about ideas for finding new investigators, serving in the community, and visiting returning Less Actives. Even though things are so different, the amazing how you can still see God's hand guiding the people there! God is preparing people in EVERY area. Its just our job as missionaries and members to find them! Woohoo!!!
That was pretty much my week for ya :). We also had MLC which was just great to get to talk about how we can help the missionaries achieve their goals and become all that God has in store for them :). Its a lot of work but its the best work :). I love being a missionary. I love getting to serve my fellow missionaries. I have never been so tired in my entire life. My heart always feels like its going to burst with love for these sisters I get to work with. My knowledge that Gods love is individual for each one of His children has grown so much. He ministers to us one by one and he uses His angels, His servants, US, to do it :) This I know. 
I love you all so much! Till next week!!!
Sister Tobler
p.s. We are having our missionary shindig this week and I'm so excited!!!!!!!!!!! Its gonna be big!!!!
p.p.s. I said a prayer in Spanish on exchanges!!!! and I totally fooled them into thinking that I speak Spanish!!! woohoo!!!

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