Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Chapter 40: Miracles Galore!!!

Hello Everyone!
This has been just such a fantastic week :). I don't know if I have ever felt so on fire as a missionary ever and it's just so exciting! We have so many things just around the corner that I'm so excited for!!!
The V__ U___ family is still doing wonderful :). As usual. They are actually getting ready to adopt a little boy in about a month and are so excited to be able to introduce him to the church. Its amazing to see their understanding of how the gospel blesses families and how much they want that for their little family. The gospel is so true. And it brings families together and brings the greatest happiness that we can find in this life. 
We had this fantastic idea this week to get the youth more involved in missionary work. We wanted to create an environment where youth could get together and just feel uplifted and surrounded by good people and have fun. Thus the Missionary Shindig was born :). Its grown a lot since we thought of it on Friday but its going to be awesome! We've gotten the other wards in the area involved and lots of people are bringing treats and games and we will provide a spiritual thought and  oh I'm just so excited!!!! SO PUMPED!!!! and that way all their friends will be able to meet missionaries and realized that maybe we aren't super duper crazy :) Just a little :)
We have so many great ideas just popping up ( like popcorn!) to help the work progress here! I'd explain but I fear I wouldn't make any sense. Just know that we are taking Richland by storm!! we are talking to everyone :) Maybe not everyone is prepared to accept the gospel now, but they're close :). I can feel it.
A tender mercy this week. We have been having a difficult time knowing how to help the sisters under our stewardship simply because they are so far away from us and outside the zone. We were talking with one of the Legendary elders of this mission and he gave us some ideas for how we could do more for them. As we continued to ponder that day we felt prompted that we needed to do more than just give them a call every once in a while. The next morning we jumped in the car and took off for Benton City ( after calling our leaders first of course :)). We pulled up at just the right moment and we able to talk some things out with them and help them to feel more confident in the work they are doing. What was amazing to me was that as we were giving our final goodbyes they just kept saying over and over " you have no clue how much we needed this." and "its so good to know that you are in tune enough to come whenever". It was such a testimony to me of the power of the spirit. I had no clue why we were needed there and honestly, I feared that we could be wasting the Lords time, but God knows them better than me. He knows their needs, and when I put myself in the right place, I can be a tool for good. I love being able to serve Him and these Sisters. I honestly love them so much, because I know that God loves them and I can feel that everyday. Its the best. 
One more thing. If you haven't heard of the 40 day fast, y'all should totally look it up. Its amazing. Sister Cram and I started it this week. Its so hard, but its the best and we are seeing so many wonderful things happen as we purify ourselves for Christ. I'll tell you more next week! 
I love y'all! Thanks for all your love and support! Till next week!!!

Sister Tobler!!!

Sister Tobler tries her hand at golf.

Sister Cram

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