Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Chapter 20: Let is snow! Let it snow! Let it snow, and snow and keep snowing...

Hello Everyone!
So transfers are this week. Wanna guess where I'll be??? Drum role please............ I'm staying here in Richland! Woohoo! Sadly though, Sister Evans will be leaving me to head back to East Kennewick. So sad to loose her! When we both woke up this morning we knew it was happening though, and she even knew that she was going to go back to her "baby area"! Too funny :) I'll be receiving Sister Johns on Wednesday which means that I'll be the senior companion. Gulp. Me, the Texan, driving around in the snow. Yikes! I know that God will help me though and that we'll make it everywhere we need to be safely. And until I figure it out I'll be driving SUPER slow :). 

We woke up this morning to a foot of snow on the ground and received orders to stay indoors until further notice. Some missionaries in Kennewick got in a car accident this morning which was pretty scary. We do lots of walking now and accepting rides from members because the roads are so slick. Whats amazing to me though is that seriously, nothing, and I mean NOTHING will stop this work from progressing. God protects His missionaries and will give us the means to help spread the gospel. We were panicking a little this morning wondering if because of the weather we would have to stay indoors all day. If you couldn't tell, that would be torture for a missionary. We have to get out and talk to people!!!! We love it!!

On to some exciting things from this week. So I told you all that we are teaching a gal' named G_____ in the YSA right? So we had a lesson set with her but for some reason she didn't show. While waiting we got a text from a former investigator named S_____ asking if we could meet. Of course we agreed! Now we have two YSA investigators, and they both came to church on Sunday, and they are both on date to be baptized :). You can imagine how much I was beaming there in that pew watching them both sing and partake of the sacrament and feel the healing power that comes with it. So amazing. So G_____ is still preparing to be baptized on December 24th ( she's just got to check with family to be sure they don't have plans) and Sidney is preparing for the 10th of January. She picked this date after lots of prayer and finally feels ready to take that step in her life and I feel so lucky to get to be a part of her journey :). 

I wish I could share some of the funny things that happened this week but I fear they wouldn't sound as funny in writing. They might sound slightly concerning but I promise, their funny :) I'll have to tell you all in person when I get home :) Just remind me to tell you about S_____ and E___ and their trip to jail :). TOO FUNNY! 

We met with a less active this week and it was amazing to see the change in her. We have been meeting with her for a while and she hasn't been active in years due to some health issues that used to keep her from attending. When we saw her on Friday she shared how seeing her mom and seeing us are the ONLY bright spots in her life. I could have burst into tears right there for her. She has had a tough life with her kids and husband and all and I just wanted to wrap her up in the biggest hug ever. We were able to set up another time to visit with her and read from the Book of Mormon together and she got it. She finally figured out how she could apply the scriptures to her life and find strength from their experiences. So neat. It will be and uphill climb, but she can do it. Anyone who wants to return to the fold of God can do it. It wont necessarily be easy but there are so many people there to love and support along the way. Christ is the way to healing and hope and light. Rely on Him and you will be made stronger and better than you ever were before. 

I am so grateful to be a missionary. It is the hardest thing I have ever done. It really is. I have no clue where I am some times. I worry about the future. I worry about our investigators. I worry that maybe I'm not doing enough, but when I lay in bed at night, so incredibly tired, I know that God is pleased with my tiny little bit that I can offer Him. I feel so lucky to get to give my all to Him and His children. It truly is an honor.

I love you all! Till next week! Keep warm!
Sister Tobler
Christmas in the apartment

Kyle's baptism

Lindsey and Sister Evans

Lindsey shoveling snow for the first time ever!!!

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