Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Chapter 21: Almost Christmas

Hello Everyone!
First off..... MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!!!! You can bet all of the missionaries are super excited for this weekend :). Gonna be the best Christmas ever. And can you believe that it has already been 5 months? I certainly can't! 
Let me tell you a little about Sister Johns. First off ( and most importantly)... She's from Texas :) From Dallas specifically so you can bet we are "enjoying" this freezing weather here. On average it was between 6 and 10 degrees this week with a few negative temperatures in the evening I heard. We thought we were going to die but it's amazing how we are able to find ways to get out of the cold :). We may not be finding new investigators at the moment ( people all want to wait until after Christmas to meet) but the Less Actives are realizing that they need to get back in the swing of things so we spend lots of time with them! God provides a way to help His children return to Him, and get His missionaries out of the cold :). It's a win win :). 
Let me tell you about a funny experience. We were sitting there doing our weekly planning and we get a call from the Zone Leaders. A member in the area sent a referral for a lady named V____ but funny thing, the address was for Great Clips. That's right. A member was able to talk to his hairdresser about the church and turns out she took discussions and he thought she might be interested in leaning more. but what do you do if you don't have an address or phone number? That's right, missionaries get haircuts :). But I wont let you see it yet :)  You'll just have to wait :) But to end the story, we were able to figure out what ward boundaries she's in and send her off as a referral again to the missionaries out in Pasco. Super fun experience!
Our investigators are all doing really well. Just trekkin' along towards their baptismal dates. G______ was going to be baptized on Saturday but her boyfriend is going out of town and she wants him there so she is possibly pushing it back to right after new years. But she's still gonna do it! I feel so lucky to get to be a part of all these wonderful people's journeys. I feel like I'm not really doing anything because they are so prepared when we find them! They just fall into our paths ready to be baptized. It's just amazing and I feel so humbled.
Yesterday was really crazy. So a little context, we keep tract of our proselyting hours ( how long we've been out working. It's a new thing President is doing) and usually we average about 9 pros. hours a day. Yesterday... 12.5 hours!!! Absolutely crazy! We were out the door but 6:45 and weren't home till 9 and we got one hour for lunch. There was just too much going on to stop! I love days that we are all over the place because I know that we are doing exactly what God want's us to do. We are fulfilling our purpose! But it is really exhausting.... ya.
So we had this great service opportunity this week! It may not seem like much, but we got to help one of the YSA recent converts move this weekend. She's not very good at asking for help but she knew that she couldn't do it alone so we got to help! No one EVER asks the sisters for help so it was fun to run up and down all those stairs ( she lived on the third floor) carrying tons of boxes and pieces up furniture in the 7 degree weather. I know, I'm sure I sound crazy, but I love getting to do service. I know it's what Christ would do if He were here and I love getting to be His hands, even when I spend the next 3 days stiffer than a board :).
I hope y'all can feel my excitement for the work going on here. Don't get me wrong, it's the hardest thing I've ever done, and supporting a companion who has moments where she struggles is hard, but, I know that this work is so important. We are saving souls people! We are working hand in hand with the Savior of all mankind to save our brothers and sisters, to help them return to God. There isn't a better work that we could be doing. Especially this Christmas season, remember why we really celebrate this special time of year. Lately I've been reading Jesus the Christ by Elder Talmage and I thought it was so appropriate that where I ended up in my reading this week was about the birth pf the Savior. The circumstances were so humble, His mother so innocent, that night so Holy. Now we remember Him and His life. All the miracles, the teachings, everything. It all was so important and I feel so lucky to be serving Him, especially this time of year. I love Him and I love His work. 
Merry Christmas Y'all!!!!!
Sister Tobler

Sister Lindsey Tobler

Kennewick Washington Mission

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