Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Chapter 29: The Columbia Basin

                                                Sister Calder and Sister Tobler

Hello Everyone!
This week has seriously just flown by! I have no clue where the time is going! I flipped open to the next day in my planner this morning and when I saw that we are starting week three I nearly lost it! Missions are so fast! I wish there was a button to slow it down a little but I truly am grateful for the time that I have to devote so much to God.
Since the moment we got here to this area both Sister Calder and I have felt a draw out to the Columbia Basin. I wish I could describe it better, but in short, it's the middle of no where. There is at least a mile between each house and most of the people are farmers or work on the railroad. Very humble means. I love those people so much. We have been trying our best to get out there as often as we can but with mileage restrictions, it makes it difficult. Luckily, God provides a way for His work to go forth. The members are amazing in trying to invite their neighbors to learn more and many of the part member families are starting to come around! I don't know what will happen out there in the coming weeks, but I know it's something amazing! Can't wait! On the down side, last night we were trying to find this part member family the ward was talking about having us work with and we got SO lost. It wasn't even funny. Two hours later and many prayers later we gave up and felt like we should start trying to find our way back to one of the main roads. We were able to have a sweet visit with one of the less active ladies in the ward and we could feel of Gods love for her and our desire to help her grew and grew. I feel so lucky to be able to serve the Lord and His children out here.
Now let me tell you a little about our work in town :). We love the 10th ward too :). Totally different than the Basin but still just as amazing. The recent converts there have such a love for the gospel and often times I feel like I leave those lessons receiving more than I was able to give. They are so elect.
One light last week it was getting really late and all our plans and fallen apart and we were sitting in the car just trying to figure out what God would have us do. Next thing we knew, we were our shoveling drive ways for some of the old ladies in the ward. You would be so impressed with me :) I can shovel snow pretty quickly now and my companion only has to go back over a few of my spots ;)
That's pretty much my week for ya! I'm just trying my best not to mess up Sister Calder and love her as God does. We work so well together and I hate the thought of having to leave her someday! But we wont think about that now. For now we will work our hardest for God and find the miracles here in Pasco. It's amazing how when you look for them, you truly see all the blessings that God has given you. There are so many!
I love you all!
Sister Tobler

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