Thursday, October 13, 2016

Chapter 11: Another Week...Gone

Hello Everyone!
I seriously can't believe that another week has already flown by. This whole mission thing goes by so fast! 
I'll give a few highlights to the week :)
So first..  O______'s BAPTISM IS THIS SATURDAY!!!! I am so incredibly excited :). I wish y'all could have seen her face when they announced it in sacrament meeting. She was just beaming! We have been reviewing the lessons before her interview this week and she has such a deep understanding of the necessity of repentance and of the gospel as a whole. She knows this is true and she has been such a support to those around her in helping them to come closer to Christ. Amazing that even a child can have such amazing faith.
Funny story, so S_______ has been having a bit of a hard time getting to church lately so when we saw that she wasn't there we grabbed one of the ward missionaries, hopped in the car, and went a picked her up in time for Relief Society. She's a funny lady :). She's so ready for baptism though and very excited for her baptism. 
Many of our lessons had to reschedule this week which means that we are literally booked most nights this week. There is enough work in our two areas to split them and have to sets of missionaries here but hey, I'm not complaining about being busy :). I love it :)
We met so many people this week it's kinda crazy. We spent a lot of time going through our area books to try and contact people who used to take the lessons and see if they are still interested. Amazing thing, many of them are. We don't know why they stopped but when we went to go see them last night they were very willing to have us come back! Amazing!
I'll paint a scene for you. It's very dark outside ( nearly pitch black because we are out in the county) and it pouring rain. We just got a text from an investigator that she isn't sure if she wants to keep meeting with us. Lets just say things were looking a little dreary and with every squish of my shoes in the mud it seemed like nothing could make the day worth while. Guess who was wrong :). After a lot of prayer, we decided to call this investigator and see what was really the matter. Turns out it had nothing to do with the message or anything she had prayed about. She just needed some time. Work got crazy and she just wants a few weeks before picking things back up. It was like a light in the dark night. She is an amazing lady and we know that she will be baptized, even if that's not now. In the words of my mission president, "some people are lettuce. They hear the gospel and immediately know that it is true. Some are blue berries. After a few years they come to know that the message is true and you can begin to see the fruits of their testimonies in Christ. And then there are the Huckleberries. These individuals can take 12+ years to be able to see that Christ is the only way and that the gospel is essential. If they are a good seed, they will come to know, even if it is not in the timing that we expected. Everything happens in Gods timing."
it has been an amazing week really :). I love this gospel so much. It has changed my life. It has made me feel full. It has made me whole. Christ has made me whole. I was studying Humility this morning and I think the greatest act of humility took place where one may not have excepted. It happened in a garden of olive trees where the Savior Himself took upon Himself every pain, sickness, heartache, and bit of anguish everyone in the history of the world had ever felt and would ever feel. In that moment He "fell upon his face" and asked God to let the cup pass from Him. Not my will, but thine be done. This was not an easy thing. If Christ was willing to submit to all things the Father saw fit, I can be submissive and humble. I can try by best to whatever God needs me to be. I want to be everything He needs me to be. I am so grateful to Him for all that He did for me so that I could return to live with God one day. I'll never be able to repay Him, but I try my best to show Him how grateful I am but utilizing the Atonement daily and striving to be better. I love the Lord and I love being a part of His work. I love you all and thank you for all of the love and support you give me!
Untill next week!

Sister Tobler

Getting ready to e-mail the fam!

Car wash on P-day!

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