Monday, December 18, 2017

Chapter 73: It Was A HIT!

Hello Everyone!
You could say that this week was an interesting one.... I think this picture will sum it up pretty well :)So yeah :) That was our "hit" this week :). But before yall get all worried... We were not in the car.
 This was actually a pretty huge tender mercy. So heres the story. We pull up to this trailer park to go and try by a part member family pretty late ( about 8pm). Usually we take a few minutes to talk about what we want to share with them, say a prayer, ect but that night was different. We parked said a quick prayer, then hopped out. 1 min later we knock on the door. 15 seconds later, we hear the crash. We turn around to see smoke billowing out of the dominos pizza car that just smashed into ours. Luckily the kid was okay!!! Just a bloody nose and a headache. So that was the start to our week! We spent the rest of the night talking with the police and the elders came too cause we were kinda freaking out so they were a nice support to have there. When we finally got home we said the most sincere prayer of gratitude I think I may have ever said. God is so good. He knew exactly what was going to happen and I firmly believe that He was there protecting us. I know He is there watching out for all of us.
SO because of those exciting events, we have spent a lot of time in the dmv, talking with the vehicle coordinator to get insurance stuff worked out, and taking drives to Hermiston to get estimates on what its going to take to fix this baby.... so we have been on foot when working cause President doesn't want us driving a banged up car. The hills of Pendleton make it pretty exhausting to walk everywhere but we are pounding out some amazing work here. Things haven't slowed down so we are just learning to walk faster :). We have had some amazing lessons this week and tender mercy, we've been able to get to all of them on time :). These people here are so humble and willing to change. Its amazing and I feel so honored to serve them.
We have been counting out blessings this week and its amazing to see how the list keeps getting longer and longer. I love my Heavenly Father. He has given me so much and love that I get to give back in my small way this Christmas season by serving his children. I cant think of a better work to be a part of :) I love you all so much and I hope you have a very Merry Christmas! My invitation to yall would be to think of something you can give the Christ child this year to become a little better than you were. I think of one of my favorite Christmas songs ( forgive me, I dont know the title).
What can I give him
poor as I am
If I were a shepherd
I would bring a lamb
If I were a wise man
I would do my part
What can i give him
I will give my heart.

Give the Savior your heart this year and I know that the blessings will be everlasting :) I love Him with all my heart and I'm so grateful for all He's done for me.
Merry Christmas Yall!
Sister Tobler

PS from the mother:  The blue car belongs to the pizza delivery guy.  The red one is the sisters.  So thankful that he was alright.  Heavenly Father truly does watch over and protect us.

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