Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Chapter 48: The Longest Week

Hello Everyone!
Its been forever it seems! I guess cause its been almost two weeks since we had a Preparation Day. But it was so worth it! We got to go to the temple this morning and it gave me the perfect recharge that I needed. Its amazing what simply being in a holy place can do for ones sanity :). I love the temple and I wish I could go more often. Oh well! We can just say that at the end of my mission, you know where to find me... at the temple :) Cause that's where i'll be. Almost all the time :).
I'll just tell about a few really cool people that are new to the roster :) 
K___: He is good friends with Brother Gale in the ward. For at least 2 months now Bro. Gale has been telling us about his friend who really just needs the gospel in his life. So when K___ asked for a favor, bro Gale said he'd do anything so long as k___ came to church and listened to the missionaries at church at least once. So in walks K___ on sunday morning looking a little on edge to be there. After church we got a call from Brother Gale saying that when K___ got home from church his family asked him why he was GLOWING! K___ told them that he had been to church. And that he was going again!!! AND that if they wanted to join, they were more than welcome! SO COOL!!!!! The light of Christ is so real!!!! We are so excited to see what the gospel brings into his life.
J___: So we have talked with him a few times in passing trying to get ahold of his girlfriend who said we could come back. Yesterday we had an appointment set with her but she wasn't there... again... but he was! He told us that shes not really as interested as she may have appeared BUT he said that he has been wanting to talk to us! The only reason he didn't was cause he didn't want to intrude on his girlfriends thing! He told his mom that we had been by and she said " listen to those girls. They are doing what true Christians should be doing". We were all like WHAT!!!! SO COOL! So he told us his conversion story and said that he would really love to learn more about what we believe. We had a recent convert of 3 weeks out with us and she bore powerful testimony about what the gospel has done for her just since shes been a member and you could tell he was gripped. The power of a simple heartfelt testimony is so cool to see in action. We don't have to be eloquent or anything! A simple " I know that Jesus Christ is my Savior" carries so much power!
On more miracle! So we have been praying our hearts out for the V__ U___ family, just hoping and praying that they would finally pick a date to be baptized on. A___ has been holding out hoping that her husband would pull himself together so he could baptize her but he been holing out, not feeling worthy. She picked a date but was still worrying about who was going to baptize her. Right before we start our lesson he quiets us all down saying that he has an announcement. "I have decided that I will do what it takes to baptize A___" he starts. " And if any of the girls want to get baptized, i'd be happy to do it". You can bet A___ started crying! The spirit was so strong. This is Gods work, and he helps to move it forward, whatever it takes :)
Missionary work is so amazing! When God says that He is preparing people in every area, He's not kidding!!! When we show our faith and put forth work, people come out of the woodworks! Sometimes ( lots of times actually), they also seem like the most unlikely candidates. But God loves all his children so much and knows their hearts and wants them to receive all the blessings He's got. I love it and I love Him. 
Till next week! Love yall!
Sister Tobler

p.s. funny story.. we got locked out of our apartment... and our car... in the middle of one of the craziest storms the tri citites has ever seen. Thank goodness for elders who know how to break into apartments using butter knives!!!! #whoops

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