Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Chapter 32: Called To Serve!

Hello Everyone! 
Things are just fantastic here! I love the people here in the 10th and Columbia Basin wards. They are just so wonderful and it has been interesting to see them grow to love us as they have gotten to know us better. Let me think of where to start about all that has gone on this week. 
So Sister Calder and I were selected to attend MLC this week ( a special council for the zone leaders and STLs). They had people from the missionary department there doing a special training on how we can better teach and plan for the people that we are seeking to teach. Such an amazing experience! I'll admit, I was scared out of my mind because I didn't want to have to role play with APs or zone leaders or anything because, ya know, that's a little intimidating. It ended up being super great though and I was so glad that Sister Calder was able to be there with me so that we could take the things that we learned and apply them immediately to the work in our areas. Already we see so many blessings as God realizes that we are willing to take and act on whatever council we receive.
Let me tell you a little about our lesson with C___ this week :). First, I'll fill you in on a brief background of her cause I cant seem to remember what I've told y'all. So she is a 7th day Adventist who found the Book of Mormon on her own! She was reading in Revelations and I guess somewhere in there she found that an angel holds a little book and decided that it must be the Book of Mormon! She's been reading in by herself for a while and just loves it! She literally teaches herself because she knows that this is a true book from God. She feels the good it is bringing into her life. Here's an example from her studies. So she's reading about King Noah and how wicked he was. She find that one word used to describe him is a "wine bibber" and immediately she's like" well I don't want to be a wine bibber so I decided to switch over to sparking cider. I don't feel so guilty now that I'm not drinking wine". I know right! This is a real person! I love her so much. Her only hold up has been going to church on Sunday because she is afraid that God will smite her if she walks in the building on Sunday ( like turned into a pile of ashes...) but she has made so much progress. She knows that's the next step for her and so.... guess who committed to come to church on the 19th to hear me sing in church!?! C___!!!!!!!!!! So so excited for her :)
One last miracle :). So we ate dinner with the Stark family last week and their daughters expressed that they are interested in serving missions but weren't sure because they've heard lots of bad things. We had a great conversation and didn't really think much about it for the rest of the week. We saw one of the girls on Sunday and started chatting it up with her just about how adorable she looked. Later in the day her mom came up to us  just expressing so much gratitude. Her girls love us and because of our positive example and light, they made the decision that they want to go. AND they want to come out with us this week! We are so SO excited! And we are going to have FHE with their family to help them prepare for missions. They are planning to start papers here soon so we are so excited that we were able to play a part in helping them make that choice. Just image the ripple effect we all have when we make good decisions and chose to serve God in all sorts of ways. They will be able to change lives and bring the light of Christ to others. those people in turn will look for more opportunities to serve. Its a ripple and we all play a part. I just love the gospel so much! It's so true! I love that I get to help bring for His kingdom here on the earth. What a great thing :). I love you all! Till next week!

Sister Tobler

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