Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Chapter 12: Baptism

Hello Everyone!
They say that a picture is worth a thousand words...

There are no words to express the joy that I felt on Saturday as I watched O___ be baptized. I'll even admit, I cried I was so happy :). She cried throughout the entire service saying that she was so happy to finally be getting baptized that she couldn't contain the joy. She described it quite perfectly. She knew exactly what covenants she was making with God and couldn't wait to be numbered among his fold. We couldn't been prouder as she humbly bowed her head in the water as her father baptized her. To close the service she chose the song "I love to see the temple".  In that moment I could see it so clearly. I felt my mind flash forward to the day that she enters the temple to make more promises with God. I wish I could explain it better but there simply are no words in the human language to describe to Godly joy that I felt in that moment.  God love was pouring down in that room and there was not a dry eye as everyone felt the spirit. It was tangible.
 This week we are preparing for S____'s baptism and I am so excited for her. There have been some bumps in her path to get to this point but she is so ready. Just the interview to go and she will be ready to make those promises to God :). While she really is a funny lady, I love her so much and even bigger than that, I can feel the love that God has for her.
We met a few new investigators this week and I am so excited to see them progress! Let me tell you one little miracle story :).
We are walking down the dark roads in the country ( seems many of my stories start out this way...) and it is raining. again. Most of the people we have talked with have been either minorly anti or major anti. Then we meet T___.
Us: Hello there! We are missionaries from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints and our purpose is to invite everyone to come unto Christ. Are you Religious at all?
T___:Ya I'm Lutheran. I actually have a lot of Mormon friends.
Us: Oh cool! So do you go to a church around here?
T___: No. I've been looking for one. Actually, You guys had this broadcast a couple of weeks ago and I really wanted to watch it but I couldn't find it. I was really bummed about that.
You could say that we were a little startled :) We set up a time to go back and she wants to come to church with us! So cool right!!! God is pouring out miracles upon this area as we have tried to work hard and ultimately, as the members have gotten involved. 
I love the people here so much. They have helped me to "grow into the tag" so much. I love serving them and learning from their experiences. We taught a less active lady this week about overcoming opposition and the tools that God has given us to " hit Satan upside the head with a shovel" ( as Sister Miner would say) We have the armor of God, something that we put on everyday through prayer, scripture study, church attendance, and so many other blessings that God has given us. Sometimes the armor can seem a little uncomfortable. We have to remember though, the fiery darts of the adversary and very VERY real and they will be flying every single day. Without fail. We cant look out out window and say "hmmmm... doesn't seem too bad today. I think I could just dodge Satan. My breastplate of righteousness is such a hassle I think I'll just wear my hoodie of happiness. ya. That will protect me. Maybe the beanie of benevolence just for good measure." WRONG! Take advantage of what God has given you! put on the armor of God DAILY and you will be protected from Satan's influence. 
I love you all! Till next week!
Sister Tobler

Sister Lindsey Tobler

Kennewick Washington Mission

Thursday, October 13, 2016

Chapter 11: Another Week...Gone

Hello Everyone!
I seriously can't believe that another week has already flown by. This whole mission thing goes by so fast! 
I'll give a few highlights to the week :)
So first..  O______'s BAPTISM IS THIS SATURDAY!!!! I am so incredibly excited :). I wish y'all could have seen her face when they announced it in sacrament meeting. She was just beaming! We have been reviewing the lessons before her interview this week and she has such a deep understanding of the necessity of repentance and of the gospel as a whole. She knows this is true and she has been such a support to those around her in helping them to come closer to Christ. Amazing that even a child can have such amazing faith.
Funny story, so S_______ has been having a bit of a hard time getting to church lately so when we saw that she wasn't there we grabbed one of the ward missionaries, hopped in the car, and went a picked her up in time for Relief Society. She's a funny lady :). She's so ready for baptism though and very excited for her baptism. 
Many of our lessons had to reschedule this week which means that we are literally booked most nights this week. There is enough work in our two areas to split them and have to sets of missionaries here but hey, I'm not complaining about being busy :). I love it :)
We met so many people this week it's kinda crazy. We spent a lot of time going through our area books to try and contact people who used to take the lessons and see if they are still interested. Amazing thing, many of them are. We don't know why they stopped but when we went to go see them last night they were very willing to have us come back! Amazing!
I'll paint a scene for you. It's very dark outside ( nearly pitch black because we are out in the county) and it pouring rain. We just got a text from an investigator that she isn't sure if she wants to keep meeting with us. Lets just say things were looking a little dreary and with every squish of my shoes in the mud it seemed like nothing could make the day worth while. Guess who was wrong :). After a lot of prayer, we decided to call this investigator and see what was really the matter. Turns out it had nothing to do with the message or anything she had prayed about. She just needed some time. Work got crazy and she just wants a few weeks before picking things back up. It was like a light in the dark night. She is an amazing lady and we know that she will be baptized, even if that's not now. In the words of my mission president, "some people are lettuce. They hear the gospel and immediately know that it is true. Some are blue berries. After a few years they come to know that the message is true and you can begin to see the fruits of their testimonies in Christ. And then there are the Huckleberries. These individuals can take 12+ years to be able to see that Christ is the only way and that the gospel is essential. If they are a good seed, they will come to know, even if it is not in the timing that we expected. Everything happens in Gods timing."
it has been an amazing week really :). I love this gospel so much. It has changed my life. It has made me feel full. It has made me whole. Christ has made me whole. I was studying Humility this morning and I think the greatest act of humility took place where one may not have excepted. It happened in a garden of olive trees where the Savior Himself took upon Himself every pain, sickness, heartache, and bit of anguish everyone in the history of the world had ever felt and would ever feel. In that moment He "fell upon his face" and asked God to let the cup pass from Him. Not my will, but thine be done. This was not an easy thing. If Christ was willing to submit to all things the Father saw fit, I can be submissive and humble. I can try by best to whatever God needs me to be. I want to be everything He needs me to be. I am so grateful to Him for all that He did for me so that I could return to live with God one day. I'll never be able to repay Him, but I try my best to show Him how grateful I am but utilizing the Atonement daily and striving to be better. I love the Lord and I love being a part of His work. I love you all and thank you for all of the love and support you give me!
Untill next week!

Sister Tobler

Getting ready to e-mail the fam!

Car wash on P-day!

Monday, October 3, 2016

Chapter 10: Livin' on a Prayer

Hello Everyone!
Feel free to hum the title of my letter while you read because boy does it feel like the theme song of my week! 
First off, let me just take a moment to explain what a quality gospel conversation is. These are conversations that we have with people either on the street or on their doorstep in which we are able to teach a principle of the gospel and leave an invitation with them. WE HAD 45 QUALITY GOSPEL CONVERSATIONS THIS WEEK! How nutty is that! Keep in mind that about ever 15 people we talk with we have 1 that is really quality so you could say that I feel pretty good about that :). We literally talked to everyone but there have been so many blessings that have come from it. We have a few return appointments with some of the people we talked with and a few have expressed really sincere desires to come closer to God. They feel something is missing from their lives and they hope they can find it with the gospel.
 Here's a story for you. Last night we were knocking doors for two hours right before heading in for the night. Lets just say that knocking that late at night isn't really my favorite because it gets really dark early here ( thanks winter) but our appointment fell through. The last 20 minutes of the evening were really hard emotionally because no one wanted to listen and I mean no one. My spirits were low but I refused to stop. Our message is so important for people of all faiths and we were determined to keep pressing on. At one point we both felt the opposition so strong so we stopped there between houses and offered a prayer of sincere pleading for strength to press on. Those last houses were some of the best conversations we had that night. True they weren't interested, but they expressed their respect for what we were doing and were very kind and encouraging which was all that I needed that night. We were able to testify with boldness how much the gospel has changed our lives and how it is only through Christ that we can find true and lasting joy ( not just pleasure).  Such a faith promoting experience. 
One more story for you. We were knocking doors in a sort of run down part of town and there was seriously no one home. At least 15 doors in a row there was no answer so Sister Miner decided that we should just come back later in the evening when people would be home from work. I was straggling a little behind her and something just didn't feel right. I kept looking back at this house way off in the distance and eventually she turned around and asked me what was up. I pointed at the house and said that we needed to go there. She followed along and had no clue what I was doing. There we talked to the only person who was home on the street, D____ D______, and he wants us to come back :). You could say that I wont hesitate anymore if I feel the Spirit directing us a certain way. It takes a lot of faith to do something out of the ordinary and doesn't necessarily make sense, but God has a plan and He has the whole picture. We just have to seek His guidance. 
It was a week of miracles. Our investigators are doing so well and I feel so blessed to be able to associate with so many strong people. Prayer is such a blessing. Turn to God in prayer and the windows of heaven will be opened up and blessing will poor down upon you. There will be so many blessing that you wont have enough room to receive them. I can promise you that and I am an official representative of Jesus Christ :). To all who are in the reach of my words, pour out your heart to God and he will give you the strength to do whatever is necessary. I know this is true. 
I love you all and thank you for your love, support, and prayers. Have an amazing week y'all!!!
Sister Tobler

Sister Lindsey Tobler

Kennewick Washington Mission

Lindsey and Sister Miner were able to welcome some new sisters to the mission field this past week.
She mentioned to me in a letter that she was pretty nervous to be without Sister Miner.
From the picture it looks like it went well.  I forgot to ask her about it in this weeks letter.